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Subject: Re: [emergency] Meeting Minutes: 2004.07.13
The one OASIS (Karl) posted, which is in our Documents directory. Here
is a link to it:
You can also access from the OASIS Approved Work page here:
On Jul 14, 2004, at 5:50 PM, Kon Wilms wrote:
>> #13: The Microsoft parser is the one having an issue with this. some
>> discussion around whether or not this is correct. Need to look at XML
>> Schema for a definitive answer. Kon is going to talk with his
> developer
>> to try and get a summary of the issue. Allen will look the spec and
>> provide details back to group for review.
> Which online document holds the latest version of the CAP XSD spec as
> OASIS standard? I see multiple documents and each has a semantically
> different XSD.
> Cheers
> Kon
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