Thanks Yves, I will keep it internal and change this to be nid-like instead of ref-like, unless I see strong feedback to the contrary.
From: Yves Savourel [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1:42 PM
To: Ryan King; Subject: RE: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
My guess is that it’s internal.
But others may have a different view point.
From: [ mailto: ]
On Behalf Of Ryan King
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1:57 PM
To: Yves Savourel; Subject: RE: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
Thanks Yves, your explanation makes sense. It does bring up an interesting point, however. Does the reference always need to refer to a <resourceData> inside the document, or as in your example for note, could
it conceivably refer to an external <resourceData>?
From: Yves Savourel [ mailto: ]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 10:58 AM
To: Ryan King; Subject: RE: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
Yes, I was thinking of nid.
The difference is that the nid-like value can only refer to an expected element, while a ref-like value (a URI) could potentially refer to anything outside of the document.
In the case of ref I think it’s a URI because it’s a generic access mechanism (one can refer to external note for example).
so for the resource reference I suppose if it’s always referring to a resource inside the document, avoiding the URI is probably better.
I hope I’m making sense.
From: Ryan King [ mailto: ]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:03 AM
To: Yves Savourel; Subject: RE: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
Thanks Yves, Are you referring to nid?
Original data reference - Holds the identifier of the <data> element that contains the original data for a given inline code. Value description: An XSD NMTOKEN that must be the value of the id attribute of one of the <data> element listed
in the same <unit> element.
<unit id="1">
<source>Error in '<ph id="1"
nid="d1" />'.</source>
<target>Erreur dans '<ph id="1"
nid="d1" />'.</target>
id="d1" >{0}</data>
</originalData> </unit>
I modeled resourceDataRef on the ref attribute:
Reference - Holds a reference for the associated annotation.
Value description: A value of the XSD type anyURI. The semantics of the value depends on the type of annotation:
<unit id="1">
<source>You use your own namespace.</source>
<target>Vous pouvez utiliser votre propre <mrk id="m1" type="comment"
ref="#n1" >namespace</mrk>.</target>
id="n1" appliesTo="target">Please check the translation for 'namespace'. On also can use 'espace de nom', but I think most technical manuals use the English term.</note>
I must confess, I do not understand the difference between these two referencing mechanisms. Can you please explain them to me?
Original Message-----
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Yves Savourel
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 9:24 PM
Subject: RE: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the updated document 9and the highlights) I had time to only glance at it but noticed one thing:
The resourceDataRef attribute is a URI.
Is the purpose to be able to point outside the XLIFF document as well?
If not and if the use case is only to reference an id (i.e. the value will be always resourceDataRef="#someid", then I wonder if it should be a URI. I think so far all reference to element has been done using the ID directly. For example
in inline code to refer to <data> etc. Maybe it's better to be consistent? just wondering.
From: [ ]
On Behalf Of Ryan King
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:28 PM
Subject: [xliff] Latest Changes: Resource Data Module
Hello All,
Please find attached the latest changes for the ResourceData module based on the feedback from TC members in email and from the TC conference calls. Changes are highlighted in yellow. Please sned any additional feedback you may have.
I am planning to author the docBook files add them to the specification this week.
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