OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

  • 1.  A call for objections: OASIS Open Repositories for OpenC2

    Posted 02-22-2018 21:00
    OpenC2 Technical Committee, A proposal to create three open repositories was discussed during the February 21 TC monthly meeting: OC2Lycan-java: A java library to be maintained by Mr. Blake Essing. (Resolution located at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/62580/OC2Lycan-Java.pdf ) OC2Lycan-python: A python library to be maintained by Mr. Michael Stair (Resolution located at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/62581/OC2Lycan-Python.pdf ) OC2Compat: To capture and suggest implementation guidelines to be maintained by M. Michael Stair with Mr. Joshua Brule to act as technical advisor ( https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/62579/OC2Compat.pdf ) Please review the resolutions and state any objections no later than March 7, 2018. If no objections are stated, then we will proceed to create the open repositories. Thank you Very Respectfully Joe Brule

  • 2.  RE: A call for objections: OASIS Open Repositories for OpenC2

    Posted 03-06-2018 18:01
    OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name " OC2Lycan-java " has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to " OC2Lycan-j" Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 3.  Java Copyright

    Posted 03-07-2018 04:54
    Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, Brule, Joseph M < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name OC2Lycan-java has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to OC2Lycan-j Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 4.  Re: Java Copyright

    Posted 03-07-2018 14:23
    Hi Duncan,  We are researching this now. Just to explain, the issue has to do with trademarks. The OASIS rules do not allow the use of trademarks not owned by OASIS in the name of any Work Product unless granted an exemption by the board. That is to ensure that a third party cannot later come back to OASIS and make a fuss over unauthorized use of their TM. Oracle does claim a trademark for "Java."  In this case, there is precedence so I don't anticipate a problem. But we do need to clear this with Jamie before proceeding.  Hope this helps explain where we're at.  /chet On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, "Brule, Joseph M" < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name " OC2Lycan-java " has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to " OC2Lycan-j" Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 5.  Re: Java Copyright

    Posted 03-07-2018 17:25
    On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > wrote: Hi Duncan,  We are researching this now. Just to explain, the issue has to do with trademarks. The OASIS rules do not allow the use of trademarks not owned by OASIS in the name of any Work Product unless granted an exemption by the board. That is to ensure that a third party cannot later come back to OASIS and make a fuss over unauthorized use of their TM. Oracle does claim a trademark for "Java."  In this case, there is precedence so I don't anticipate a problem. I don't anticipate a problem either, but I always have to say explicitly "IANAL".  My IANAL observation is that while "java" may have applicable trademark regulations in some usage contexts (as in the Logo), usage of the string "java" in a public repository name isn't prohibited in any common case.   Just counting pubic GitHub repositories, there are nearly half a million repositories that have "java" or "_javascript_" in the repo identifier. Here are a few examples from well-known entities https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-tools-for-java https://github.com/Microsoft/java-debug -- https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.java https://github.com/eclipse/tiaki-java https://github.com/eclipse/unide.java -- https://github.com/google/google-java-format https://github.com/google/google-api-java-client https://github.com/google/google-oauth-java-client -- https://github.com/IBM/Java-MicroProfile-on-Kubernetes https://github.com/IBM/resilient-java-microservices-with-istio https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cos-sdk-java -- https://github.com/SAP/cloud-odata-java https://github.com/SAP/cf-java-logging-support https://github.com/SAP/cloud-mta-java-common -- https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java-v2 >   But we do need to clear this with Jamie before proceeding.  Yep.  I sent him email asking for how we'd think about the TC's preference for  "openc2-lycan-java", which would yield URI references as identifiers for issues, code commits, pull relquests, tags, releases, branches, etc https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues/13 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues/136 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/branches https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature-branch-01 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/release-branch-05 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature-branch-v4.5 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pulls https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pull/132 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pull/130 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/graphs/contributors https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/releases https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/commit/35679e6a663de84a7cf0cb4dbcb84b0c51aaa23e https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/commit/f9523f24bf1a43e7081f2e24d55e4a371189b593 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/releases/tag/v0.5.1 -rcc   Hope this helps explain where we're at.  /chet On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, "Brule, Joseph M" < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name " OC2Lycan-java " has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to " OC2Lycan-j" Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 6.  Re: [openc2] Re: Java Copyright

    Posted 03-07-2018 18:50
    Gently from the sidelines of a geographical entity called java and before taking a swim: It is tough to fight the below counted usage of what-ever-java, as in what-ever-python or python-what-ever naming schemes, but I will await the judgement of the wise lawyers with a cup of java on the beach, I imagine. All the best, Stefan Am 07.03.2018 um 18:24 schrieb Robin Cover < robin@oasis-open.org >: On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > wrote: Hi Duncan,  We are researching this now. Just to explain, the issue has to do with trademarks. The OASIS rules do not allow the use of trademarks not owned by OASIS in the name of any Work Product unless granted an exemption by the board. That is to ensure that a third party cannot later come back to OASIS and make a fuss over unauthorized use of their TM. Oracle does claim a trademark for Java.   In this case, there is precedence so I don't anticipate a problem. I don't anticipate a problem either, but I always have to say explicitly IANAL .  My IANAL observation is that while java may have applicable trademark regulations in some usage contexts (as in the Logo), usage of the string java in a public repository name isn't prohibited in any common case.   Just counting pubic GitHub repositories, there are nearly half a million repositories that have java or _javascript_ in the repo identifier. Here are a few examples from well-known entities https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-tools-for-java https://github.com/Microsoft/java-debug -- https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.java https://github.com/eclipse/tiaki-java https://github.com/eclipse/unide.java -- https://github.com/google/google-java-format https://github.com/google/google-api-java-client https://github.com/google/google-oauth-java-client -- https://github.com/IBM/Java-MicroProfile-on-Kubernetes https://github.com/IBM/resilient-java-microservices-with-istio https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cos-sdk-java -- https://github.com/SAP/cloud-odata-java https://github.com/SAP/cf-java-logging-support https://github.com/SAP/cloud-mta-java-common -- https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-java-v2 >   But we do need to clear this with Jamie before proceeding.  Yep.  I sent him email asking for how we'd think about the TC's preference for  openc2-lycan-java , which would yield URI references as identifiers for issues, code commits, pull relquests, tags, releases, branches, etc https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues/13 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/issues/136 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/branches https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature-branch-01 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/release-branch-05 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature-branch-v4.5 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pulls https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pull/132 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/pull/130 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/graphs/contributors https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/releases https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/commit/35679e6a663de84a7cf0cb4dbcb84b0c51aaa23e https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/commit/f9523f24bf1a43e7081f2e24d55e4a371189b593 https://github.com/oasis-open/openc2-lycan-java/releases/tag/v0.5.1 -rcc   Hope this helps explain where we're at.  /chet On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, Brule, Joseph M < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name OC2Lycan-java has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to OC2Lycan-j Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 7.  Re: [openc2] Re: Java Copyright

    Posted 03-16-2018 19:35
    Has anyone fed the lawyers enough java for them to come to a decision about having -java- in a repo name? Dave David P. Lemire , CISSP   OpenC2 Technical Committee Executive Secretary   OpenC2 Implementation Considerations SC Co-chair   Contractor support to NSA Email: dave.lemire@g2-inc.com Office: 301-575-5190 / Mobile: 240-938-9350 On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:49 PM, Stefan Hagen < stefan@dilettant.eu > wrote: Gently from the sidelines of a geographical entity called java and before taking a swim: It is tough to fight the below counted usage of what-ever-java, as in what-ever-python or python-what-ever naming schemes, but I will await the judgement of the wise lawyers with a cup of java on the beach, I imagine. All the best, Stefan Am 07.03.2018 um 18:24 schrieb Robin Cover < robin@oasis-open.org >: On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > wrote: Hi Duncan,  We are researching this now. Just to explain, the issue has to do with trademarks. The OASIS rules do not allow the use of trademarks not owned by OASIS in the name of any Work Product unless granted an exemption by the board. That is to ensure that a third party cannot later come back to OASIS and make a fuss over unauthorized use of their TM. Oracle does claim a trademark for "Java."  In this case, there is precedence so I don't anticipate a problem. I don't anticipate a problem either, but I always have to say explicitly "IANAL".  My IANAL observation is that while "java" may have applicable trademark regulations in some usage contexts (as in the Logo), usage of the string "java" in a public repository name isn't prohibited in any common case.   Just counting pubic GitHub repositories, there are nearly half a million repositories that have "java" or "_javascript_" in the repo identifier. Here are a few examples from well-known entities https://github.com/Microsoft/ ApplicationInsights-Java https://github.com/Microsoft/ azure-tools-for-java https://github.com/Microsoft/ java-debug -- https://github.com/eclipse/ paho.mqtt.java https://github.com/eclipse/ tiaki-java https://github.com/eclipse/ unide.java -- https://github.com/google/ google-java-format https://github.com/google/ google-api-java-client https://github.com/google/ google-oauth-java-client -- https://github.com/IBM/Java- MicroProfile-on-Kubernetes https://github.com/IBM/ resilient-java-microservices- with-istio https://github.com/IBM/ibm- cos-sdk-java -- https://github.com/SAP/cloud- odata-java https://github.com/SAP/cf- java-logging-support https://github.com/SAP/cloud- mta-java-common -- https://github.com/dropbox/ dropbox-sdk-java https://github.com/dropbox/ dropbox-sdk-java-v2 >   But we do need to clear this with Jamie before proceeding.  Yep.  I sent him email asking for how we'd think about the TC's preference for  "openc2-lycan-java", which would yield URI references as identifiers for issues, code commits, pull relquests, tags, releases, branches, etc https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues/13 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues/136 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/branches https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/ feature-branch-01 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/ release-branch-05 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/ feature-branch-v4.5 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pulls https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pull/132 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pull/130 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/graphs/ contributors https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/releases https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/commit/ 35679e6a663de84a7cf0cb4dbcb84b 0c51aaa23e https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/commit/ f9523f24bf1a43e7081f2e24d55e4a 371189b593 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/releases/ tag/v0.5.1 -rcc   Hope this helps explain where we're at.  /chet On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, "Brule, Joseph M" < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name " OC2Lycan-java " has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to " OC2Lycan-j" Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B

  • 8.  Re: [openc2] Re: Java Copyright

    Posted 03-16-2018 22:23
    Re: the four new OpenC2 TC requests for TC Open Repositories, WRT GitHub repository machine-names... I'm pleased to report that we have a resolution, and I'm planning to spin up the repos as requested. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I'll be in touch with the named Maintainers and TC Officers about any lingering details, if any, though I don't know of any substantial loose ends at this time.  Dave, I'll coordinate with you on a couple admin logistics. Except for one more message likely to be sent here by Jamie Clark, I think this thread on the TC Discussion can now be considered closed, decisively, as we have principled resolution. Kindest regards and best wishes - Robin On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Dave Lemire < dave.lemire@g2-inc.com > wrote: Has anyone fed the lawyers enough java for them to come to a decision about having -java- in a repo name? Dave David P. Lemire , CISSP   OpenC2 Technical Committee Executive Secretary   OpenC2 Implementation Considerations SC Co-chair   Contractor support to NSA Email: dave.lemire@g2-inc.com Office: 301-575-5190 / Mobile: 240-938-9350 On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:49 PM, Stefan Hagen < stefan@dilettant.eu > wrote: Gently from the sidelines of a geographical entity called java and before taking a swim: It is tough to fight the below counted usage of what-ever-java, as in what-ever-python or python-what-ever naming schemes, but I will await the judgement of the wise lawyers with a cup of java on the beach, I imagine. All the best, Stefan Am 07.03.2018 um 18:24 schrieb Robin Cover < robin@oasis-open.org >: On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > wrote: Hi Duncan,  We are researching this now. Just to explain, the issue has to do with trademarks. The OASIS rules do not allow the use of trademarks not owned by OASIS in the name of any Work Product unless granted an exemption by the board. That is to ensure that a third party cannot later come back to OASIS and make a fuss over unauthorized use of their TM. Oracle does claim a trademark for "Java."  In this case, there is precedence so I don't anticipate a problem. I don't anticipate a problem either, but I always have to say explicitly "IANAL".  My IANAL observation is that while "java" may have applicable trademark regulations in some usage contexts (as in the Logo), usage of the string "java" in a public repository name isn't prohibited in any common case.   Just counting pubic GitHub repositories, there are nearly half a million repositories that have "java" or "_javascript_" in the repo identifier. Here are a few examples from well-known entities https://github.com/Microsoft/A pplicationInsights-Java https://github.com/Microsoft/a zure-tools-for-java https://github.com/Microsoft/j ava-debug -- https://github.com/eclipse/pah o.mqtt.java https://github.com/eclipse/tia ki-java https://github.com/eclipse/uni de.java -- https://github.com/google/goog le-java-format https://github.com/google/goog le-api-java-client https://github.com/google/goog le-oauth-java-client -- https://github.com/IBM/Java-Mi croProfile-on-Kubernetes https://github.com/IBM/resilie nt-java-microservices-with- istio https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cos -sdk-java -- https://github.com/SAP/cloud-o data-java https://github.com/SAP/cf-java -logging-support https://github.com/SAP/cloud-m ta-java-common -- https://github.com/dropbox/dro pbox-sdk-java https://github.com/dropbox/dro pbox-sdk-java-v2 >   But we do need to clear this with Jamie before proceeding.  Yep.  I sent him email asking for how we'd think about the TC's preference for  "openc2-lycan-java", which would yield URI references as identifiers for issues, code commits, pull relquests, tags, releases, branches, etc https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues/13 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/issues/136 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/branches https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature -branch-01 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/release -branch-05 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/tree/feature -branch-v4.5 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pulls https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pull/132 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/pull/130 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/graphs/contr ibutors https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/releases https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/commit/35679 e6a663de84a7cf0cb4dbcb84b0c51a aa23e https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/commit/f9523 f24bf1a43e7081f2e24d55e4a37118 9b593 https://github.com/oasis-open/ openc2-lycan-java/releases/tag /v0.5.1 -rcc   Hope this helps explain where we're at.  /chet On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Duncan < duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Chet, Can you explain when we can and can’t use the work ‘java’ wrt OASIS policy? If we can’t use it in the repo name, can we still use it in documentation? Can we include java code in the repo? Is there an issue with this email (which used the work java) being in the pubic email archives? I am aware that Oracle trademarks the Java logo (Java in a particular font with a cup of coffee image) and that it copyrights Oracle code (such as the API’s that are the crux of the longstanding Oracle/Google lawsuits). But we are not using java logo nor are we copying Oracle code. I was not aware of any copyright on the word ‘java’ itself or on java code created by others. For example, I don’t see the copyright on the Oracle webpages encouraging the use of java. Nor do I see it when GitHub marks the programming language of each repo. Although I’m ok with renaming the repo “-j” instead of “-java”, I do think it will be confusing and make the repo less useful. I’m also not sure why the repo name is different than in the documentation or the code, and if we can’t use java in the documentation nor the code, then it makes the repo virtually useless so I am concerned.  iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM -0500, "Brule, Joseph M" < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, We did not receive any objections to the formation of these three open repositories and the OASIS staff is in the process of creating. I do need to identify an issue and please advise if you take issue with the proposed way forward. The name " OC2Lycan-java " has an issue in that 'java' is actually copyrighted and OASIS has a rule against using copyrighted material in the repository names. The OASIS staff is going to double check to see if it is OK to have the term 'java' in the repository name. If so, then the name will be changed to " OC2Lycan-j" Thank you, and BTW, I didn't know that Java was copyright, otherwise would have caught that in advance. VR Joe B