OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] UK Comment 4 (was UK comment 3)

  • 1.  Re: [office] UK Comment 4 (was UK comment 3)

    Posted 05-18-2006 12:07
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] UK Comment 4 (was UK comment 3)

    in addition to the changes below, I have also added a comma ',' behind the 
    abbreviations i.e. and e.g. where it was missing.
    Since this is a very general change, I'm not listing the changes individually 
      this time.
    Michael Brauer wrote On 05/17/06 11:19,:
    > Patrick, all,
    > please not that the title of the mail I'm replying to her was wrong. The 
    > mail content does not refer to UK comment 3, but to UK comment 4.
    > I have integrated the suggested changes into the new working draft. If 
    > not otherwise stated, I integrated exactly as suggested. Where I did not 
    > do so, where no suggestion was provided, or where I could choose one of 
    > several option, I have marked the change with an (!) right behind the 
    > page number. I also found a couple of addition spelling errors. I have 
    > marked them with an "(M)" in the list
    > There are two suggestion where it is not clear to me what the proposed 
    > change is. These are:
    > 402, Dropdown not error, attribute name dropdown
    > 403, combobox not error, element name combobox
    > The following changes have been made:
    > 28, Tickmarks -> Tick Marks
    > 31, an introduction -> the introduction
    > 31, an document -> a document
    > 32, Table 2lists -> Table 2 lists
    > 39, it's -> it is
    > 52, an document -> a document
    > 86, non-layouting -> non-layout oriented processors should
    > 86(!), Layouters -> Layout oriented processors should ....
    > 94, an character - a character
    > 113, prepended -> prefixed
    > 126, See section 6.7.8 for more information on how to use this
    > attribute -> these attributes
    > 146, Two occurrences of text:id that have not been set using the fixed
    > width font
    > 164, Subentries -> Sub entries
    > 165, subentries -> sub entries
    > 179(M) table:print-range -> table:print-ranges
    > 180, an default - a default
    > 181, The sentence "To be able to specify cells for such positions as
    > well, the <table:covered-table-cell> element exists." might be better
    > expressed as "The <table:covered-table-cell> element exists to be able
    > to specify cells for such positions."
    > 182, Change "cane" to "can"
    > 186, it's -> its
    > 201, Change "the 2nd operation" to "the second operation" to match
    > "the first operation"
    > 202 of an detective operations -> of detective operations
    > 208 an Boolean expression -> a Boolean expression
    > 221, it's -> its
    > 228(!), Change "sub conditions" to "sub-conditions"
    > 234(M), an member -> a member
    > 235(!), and 236: Change "username" to "user name"
    > 238, "an data layout field" -> "a data layout field"
    > 244, an member's data - a member's data
    > 239, Change "sub group" to "sub-group"
    > 246, row-percentage needs formatting correctly in column-percentage
    > definition
    > 269, assignes -> assigns
    > 275, Bezier -> Bézier
    > 282(!), renders -> displays
    > 295, an relative value -> a relative value
    > 314, Change "casted" to "cast"
    > 328, poin -> point
    > 330(!), The sub-paths will be filled by using eofill -> The sub-paths 
    > will be filled by using the “even-odd” filling rule
    > 330, sub-pathes -> subpaths
    > 332(!), Change "sub element" to "sub-element"
    > 339, draw:handle-radius-range-minumum ->
    > draw:handle-radius-range-minimum
    > 340, Change "are existing:" to "exist"
    > 341, an handout page -> a handout page
    > 351, roation -> rotation
    > 351, Change "y animates" to y: animates"
    > 352, Change "whole :animates" to "whole: animages",
    > "background,:animates" to background: animates" and "Text: animates"
    > to "text: animates"
    > 352, e,: -> e:
    > 356(!) url -> URL
    > 356(M) a url -> an URL
    > 359, an header field -> a header field
    > 367, and an by -> and by
    > 374(M), Change "sub element" to "sub-element"
    > 378, tickmarks -> tick marks (three)
    > 378, gridlines -> grid lines
    > 391, an command -> a command
    > 392, an command -> a command
    > 395, it's -> it is
    > 404, nodeset -> node-set (as per Michael McKay)
    > 406, like an usual push button. -> like a push button.
    > 406(!), submit for an image button -> "submit" for an image button
    > 412, Minumum -> Minimum
    > 417, it's -> its
    > 417, an default -> a default
    > 429, focussed -> focused (twice)
    > 429, on-performaction should read “on performaction” (form attribute)
    > 429(M), "  " (duplicate blank character in row "performaction") -> " "
    > 430, on-rowchange should read “on rowchange” (form attribute)
    > 429(M), "  " (duplicate blank character in row supplyparameter) -> " "
    > 438, an macro -> a macro
    > 454, Syncronization -> synchronization
    > 451, Bezier -> Bézier
    > 518, an list item -> a list item
    > 523, an heading of -> a heading of
    > 556, an higher priority -> a higher priority
    > 557, an common style -> a common style (twice)
    > 578, have an higher -> have a higher
    > 578, an common style -> a common style (twice)
    > 584(M), Change "sub element" to "sub-element"592, it's -> its
    > 593, styes -> styles
    > 594, styes -> styles
    > 623, setps - steps
    > 636, or an percentage. -> or a percentage.
    > 638, it's -> it is
    > 657, it's -> its
    > 658, it's a pre-defined symbol type, and image, or whether -> it is a
    > pre-defined symbol type, an image, or whether
    > 664, tickmarks -> tick marks
    > Michael
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Michael Brauer                                Phone:  +49 40 23646 500
    Technical Architect Software Engineering      Fax:    +49 40 23646 550
    StarOffice Development
    Sun Microsystems GmbH
    Sachsenfeld 4
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany                e-mail: michael.brauer@sun.com

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