OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-01-24 =========================================== * Begin 9:36 EST * Rollcall +Andreas Guelzow +Cherie Ekholm +David Wheeler +Donald Harbison Jomar Silva +Michael Brauer +Ming Fei Jia +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann +Patrick Durusau +Robert Weir Steven Pemberton *Svante Schubert +Thorsten Behrens +Thorsten Zachmann Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent Non-Voting members with an * 11/18 voting members present =61%, so quorum requirements are met. Membership Notes: - Jos and Suresh lose voting rights. Steven gains voting rights. * Agenda was approved by unanimous consent. * Minutes of January 17th were approved by unanimous consent. * Discussion: ODF maintenance. - Waiting for ISO to publish Corrigenda 1 - Waiting for ISO to ballot Corrigenda 2 - Waiting for ISO to ballot Amendment 1 (ODF 1.1) - ODF TC should plan on producing ODF 1.1 Errata to synch up our text with Amendment 1 once that specification is approved * Discussion: ODF 1.2 Michael: CSD07 and public ballot approved. Request for public review sent to TC Admin. Michael has offered to produce HTML version of the public review draft. Rob: Looks like Committee Specification vote may occur last week of February Rob TODO: collect links to disposition reports. If there are any missing, send out report. * Discussion: ODF-Next - Discussion of ODF-Next proposals Andreas asked whether proposals are required to be pre-approved. Rob replied that TC Members can enter proposals directly into JIRA. However, if a member thinks that their proposal is controversial or if they wish to solicit early feedback on a proposal idea, they are encouraged to provide a proposal outline early, for discussion purposes. Patrick noted that we could get more interest in ODF-Next by pointing to definite time table. Rob said that since we were thinking of having a CSD every 6 months, we could target our first CSD to be 6 months after ODF 1.2 Committee Specification vote Michael noted that he had originally proposed Sept target for CSD 01. Rob took a todo item, to create targets in JIRA corresponding to CSD 01, CSD 02, CSD 03 and CSD 04 - Discussion on office:version and implementation of drafts Michael noted that we are constrained by the OASIS Naming Directive. Rob suggested that we could add an additional attribute, something like "conforms-to" that lists version of ODF (including draft) to which a document claims conformance. A validator could confirm or even generate the value of this this attribute. * Adjourned at 10:12 EST