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Subject: Groups - New Action Item #0023 Embedding version numbers in cat...
OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC member,
Seraphim Larsen has created a new action item.
Number: #0023
Description: Embedding version numbers in cat...
Owner: Mr. Eliot Kimber
Due: 13 Sep 2005
Seraphim Larsen 2005-09-06 18:40 GMT
From TC Meeting 06 Sept 2005:
- Catalogs: embedding version numbers
- There was extensive discussion, not all of it captured
here. If there are any significant omissions, please post
to the TC List.
- Chris Wong -- The proposal as it stands seems OK; the
peripheral issues can be resolved separately.
- Don -- Looks like we need to identify "best practice" for
current version of the spec, and for 1.1., maybe we should
update the spec with a best practice on the use of XML
schema with the catalog.
- Don -- Doesn't seem to be disagreement here -- just looks
like we need to distill this down into a design principle
that we can include in 1.1.
- Eliot -- Sounds appropriate
- Don -- Any volunteers to write up the issues and the
analysis of what we discussed here?
- Eliot -- Will take that Action Item, and will send to Paul
to review and also post to the list. *ACTION*
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Referenced Items
Date Name Type
---- ---- ----
2005-09-06 TC Meeting Minutes 06 September 2005.txtReference Document
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