On 03/22/10 15:11, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> Thanks for this. I filed this but failed to put the dashboard URLs in my
> browser Favorites [;<). These are extremely useful.
> In the dashboard for ODF 1.2 Part 2, Eike has a filter that finds all
> NEEDS-DISCUSSION requests in the titles of JIRA issues and provides a
> separate summary for them. This is the only reliable way to find such
> issues when they have already been marked resolved.
> Can we please have this for the ODF 1.2 Parts 2 and 3 also.
These should be there already at the bottom of the left column. For part
1 the filters that was used was not public. I've corrected this a minute
ago. So everything should work fine now.
> Finally, I request a target for Errata 01 (or 02) CD05 also. I think our
> using Errata 02 and Errata 03 targets is not how we are actually proceeding.
I've created an "ODF 1.0 Errata CD05" target a minute ago.
> - Dennis