OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  XLIFF TC meeting minutes, July 1, 2014

    Posted 07-01-2014 17:47
      |   view attached
    Hi all, please find pasted and attached the meeting minutes from today's meeting. *I am looking for a second.* These will become the meeting minutes of record 1) if seconded today 2) unless material objections are raised by Friday, July 4, EOD PDT DST. I Administration BS: Roll call Y ves, Asanka, David W., David F., Felix, Fredrik, Joachim, Lucia, Tom, Bryan S, Soroush, Helena. (11 out of 13 voters, meeting has quorum) BS: Welcome to Felix Sasaki. We are very happy to have him with us.    B. Approved (by clearing CFD) meeting minutes, 20 May 2014      OASIS link https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00015.html      markmail thread link http://markmail.org/thread/5pzggzfhzjawckjo BS: XLIFF activity will reduce its activity during summer to two to one meeting and they will take place on the first Tuesday of each month. In September we will decide if we continue with that rhythm or we go back to the two meetings per month.  Any thoughts on that? Df: I think we should go back to the twice a month after September.   II XLIFF 2.0 BS: The new items have an asterisk in the agenda.   A. 60-day Public Review for XLIFF Version 2.0 Candidate OASIS Standard - ends July 5th https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00000.html BS:None of the comments required substantial changes, so we can continue with the following steps.  BS[goes through the next steps, see below:]    * Next steps: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#OASISstandard 3.4.2 Public Review of a Candidate OASIS Standard “Upon completion of the public review, the Chair must notify the TC Administrator of the results.” (Note from the chair: the language of this section is unchanged except for the (numbers) I added for our discussion) (1) If comments were received and only Non-Material Changes are to be made to the Candidate OASIS Standard, the editor(s) will prepare a revised Candidate OASIS Standard. Changes may only be made to address the comments. (2) The TC must provide an acceptable summary that is clear and comprehensible of the changes made and a statement that the TC judges the changes to be Non-Material to TC Administration (3) and request a Special Majority Vote to proceed with the membership vote. (4) TC Administration shall hold the Special Majority Vote and announce it to the OASIS membership and optionally on other public mail lists along with the summary of changes and the TC's statement. (5) If the Special Majority Vote passes, the TC Administrator must start the ballot for OASIS Standard approval within 7 days of notification.   DF: There are four editorial clarifications and one non-action. I move that the TC instruct the Officers to request that OASIS TC Admin hold a Special Majority Vote as soon as possible after the public review period for XLIFF Version 2.0 COS01 closes on 05 July 2014 to approve Working Draft 05 and all related artifacts contained in http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/xliff-20.zip?op=dl&rev=536&isdir=0 as Candidate OASIS Standard 02 and present this Candidate OASIS Standard to the membership for an OASIS Standard vote in accordance with the procedures documented in 3.4.2 Public Review of a Candidate OASIS Standard in the OASIS TC Process. By passing this motion, the TC affirms that (a) Working Draft 05 contains changes from Candidate OASIS Standard 01 ( http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.0/cos01/xliff-core-v2.0-cos01.html ); (b) that the changes made are documented in https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20submitted%20comments%20tracker ; (c) that these changes are Non-Material; and (d) that these changes are made ONLY to address the comments received during the public review period as documented in https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20submitted%20comments%20tracker (resolutions to comments 300-304). The current pdf snapshot of the tracker is here: http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/COS01_CommentsDisposal/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20...ts%20tracker%20-%20XLIFF%20Wiki.pdf?op=dl&rev=537&isdir=0 Fredrik: I second Roll call: Yes: Helena, Tom, Lucía, Fredrik, DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Joachim, DavidW, Asanka, Soroush. No: N/A Abstain: N/A DF: The ballot passes unanimously (11 out of 11 present voters).   Media type registration template - csd01 -> csd02/csprd01 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00005.html * 30-day Public Review for Media Type Registration Template for #XLIFF Version 2.0 - ends July 17th      https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00056.html BS: We have not received any comments so far.   TC Charter      Clarification https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00004.html  * Ballot passed: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2616  * “An issue has come up in your charter clarification”      Issue: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00003.html      Must request special majority ballot https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00012.html DF: the structural requirements for a charter had changed since the TC last clarified it back in 2007 or so and Chet proposed how to distribute our approved content throughout the now required sections. I suggested some minor changes to his proposal. Changes can be tracked on the svn [DF goes through the changes that are highlighted on the following document] : http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/XLIFF2.0Charter/XLIFF%20TC%20Charter%20Clarification_Restructured_ToBeAproved.docx?op=dl&rev=0&isdir=0 Fredrik: I think the changes make sense and they are improvements. DF: I move to approve the TC Officers requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Ballot to approve the charter clarification contained here:  http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/XLIFF2.0Charter/XLIFF%20TC%20Charter%20Clarification_Restructured_ToBeAproved.docx?op=dl&rev=0&isdir=0   Fredrik: I second Yes: Helena, Tom, Fredrik, DavidF, Luc ia, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Joachim, Souroush. No: N/A Abstain: N/A The motion passes unanimously (11 out of 11 present voters).   Proposal for Fragment Id Prefix registration       https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00014.html       https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00014.html BS: Yves has submitted a proposal. No comments were received so far. YS: I tried to divide the proposal in two parts: defining the format for the registration list, and outline a text that we can put in the registration. All the things have been already discussed (at least partially) in the past months. BS: Any comments? YS: have at least two people read the proposal? Any issues seen? BS: I have not been seen any typo nor issues. DF: I have not seen any either. We might need to continue the work on the wiki. YS: that makes sense. DF: we can also store artefacts on the SVN. The SVN is public and we can publish the links that are generated. The registration artifact should be on the SVN, also sample files. DF: An action item for Yves should be to create the space on the wiki, and Bryan can then publish it on the TC public page. We require the submissions through the comment list. YS: I can write the wiki. Fredrik: if we have a non-public address might be better. DF: We need to use the comment lists because people who register to the list have to accept the OASIS IPR Policy. BS: Any more comments ? Proposal on XLIFF 2.x cadence BS: Kevin is not here today, this gets moved to the next meeting: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00001.html XLIFF 2.0 Tools report (open to anyone who wants to comment on their tool(s)) BS: Great work being done by Yves.   XLIFF OM and API discussion moved to XLIFF User list DF: I have some issues subscribing to this mailing list, has anyone had the same problem? YS: I have had some issues too, it can take a while, about 12 hours. FS: It worked for me. DF: Who is the owner? Bryan? BS: No, I am not. But I can resend you the emails. DF: I will ask Chet for help with this.   III Sub Committee Report XLIFF Symposium and F2F debrief BS: We received a very good energy from the symposium. -Yves’ published a great article in Multilingual on XLIFF 2.0. DF: We had a successful Symposium, also financially. People in Dublin were interested to have another meeting in Vancouver. We might have a mini symposium (FEISGILTT) in Vancouver. There was a clear call also for an API, there are already some discussions going on the user mailing lists. There were good reports on the ITS2 progress for XLIFF 2.1 and also on advanced validation that we should provide within 2.1. Felix demonstrated some of the advanced standardized validation techniques, such as Schematron or NVDL. We have also received input for some fixes in 2.1. We agreed to open new wiki for collecting and moving forward features. Bryan, are you the gardener? BS: I wonder if we need to have the 2.0 items alive or if I could archive it DF: Could it be duplicated? BS: Not a trivial, will look into it. DF: we should start working on the 2.1 if we are to adhere to the roadmap. That means having reference implementation by November. There are already solid reference implementations for ITS. We need some concentrated work on advanced validation techniques. Felix and Soroush are already working on this. It would be great if we can track this work on the wiki. The TC Administrator has created the template for XLIFF 2.1 as requested, so we can start working on it, no problem. DF: WRT membership ballot on OASIS standard, it is important that TC members talk to their company’s primary representative to vote. Df: I will finish the minutes from the Symposium next week. In the meantime WIP minutes are published: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201407/msg00003.html BS: Any questions? DF: Please remember to vote on the special majority ballots. It is important to be able to point to unanimous TC decisions.   Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 http://www.cngl.ie/profile/?i=452 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie Attachment: MeetingMinutes_XLIFFTC_20140701.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document


  • 2.  RE: [xliff] XLIFF TC meeting minutes, July 1, 2014

    Posted 07-01-2014 17:50
    I second. -yves   From: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xliff@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Dr. David Filip Sent: Tuesday, July 1, 2014 11:46 AM To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [xliff] XLIFF TC meeting minutes, July 1, 2014   Hi all, please find pasted and attached the meeting minutes from today's meeting. *I am looking for a second.* These will become the meeting minutes of record 1) if seconded today 2) unless material objections are raised by Friday, July 4, EOD PDT DST.   I Administration BS: Roll call Y ves, Asanka, David W., David F., Felix, Fredrik, Joachim, Lucia, Tom, Bryan S, Soroush, Helena. (11 out of 13 voters, meeting has quorum) BS: Welcome to Felix Sasaki. We are very happy to have him with us.    B. Approved (by clearing CFD) meeting minutes, 20 May 2014      OASIS link https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00015.html      markmail thread link http://markmail.org/thread/5pzggzfhzjawckjo BS: XLIFF activity will reduce its activity during summer to two to one meeting and they will take place on the first Tuesday of each month. In September we will decide if we continue with that rhythm or we go back to the two meetings per month.  Any thoughts on that? Df: I think we should go back to the twice a month after September.   II XLIFF 2.0 BS: The new items have an asterisk in the agenda.   A. 60-day Public Review for XLIFF Version 2.0 Candidate OASIS Standard - ends July 5th https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00000.html BS:None of the comments required substantial changes, so we can continue with the following steps.  BS[goes through the next steps, see below:]    * Next steps: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#OASISstandard 3.4.2 Public Review of a Candidate OASIS Standard “Upon completion of the public review, the Chair must notify the TC Administrator of the results.” (Note from the chair: the language of this section is unchanged except for the (numbers) I added for our discussion) (1) If comments were received and only Non-Material Changes are to be made to the Candidate OASIS Standard, the editor(s) will prepare a revised Candidate OASIS Standard. Changes may only be made to address the comments. (2) The TC must provide an acceptable summary that is clear and comprehensible of the changes made and a statement that the TC judges the changes to be Non-Material to TC Administration (3) and request a Special Majority Vote to proceed with the membership vote. (4) TC Administration shall hold the Special Majority Vote and announce it to the OASIS membership and optionally on other public mail lists along with the summary of changes and the TC's statement. (5) If the Special Majority Vote passes, the TC Administrator must start the ballot for OASIS Standard approval within 7 days of notification.   DF: There are four editorial clarifications and one non-action. I move that the TC instruct the Officers to request that OASIS TC Admin hold a Special Majority Vote as soon as possible after the public review period for XLIFF Version 2.0 COS01 closes on 05 July 2014 to approve Working Draft 05 and all related artifacts contained in http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/xliff-20.zip?op=dl&rev=536&isdir=0 as Candidate OASIS Standard 02 and present this Candidate OASIS Standard to the membership for an OASIS Standard vote in accordance with the procedures documented in 3.4.2 Public Review of a Candidate OASIS Standard in the OASIS TC Process. By passing this motion, the TC affirms that (a) Working Draft 05 contains changes from Candidate OASIS Standard 01 ( http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-core/v2.0/cos01/xliff-core-v2.0-cos01.html ); (b) that the changes made are documented in https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20submitted%20comments%20tracker ; (c) that these changes are Non-Material; and (d) that these changes are made ONLY to address the comments received during the public review period as documented in https://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20submitted%20comments%20tracker (resolutions to comments 300-304). The current pdf snapshot of the tracker is here: http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/COS01_CommentsDisposal/XLIFF%202.0%20Public%20Review%20...ts%20tracker%20-%20XLIFF%20Wiki.pdf?op=dl&rev=537&isdir=0 Fredrik: I second Roll call: Yes: Helena, Tom, Lucía, Fredrik, DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Joachim, DavidW, Asanka, Soroush. No: N/A Abstain: N/A DF: The ballot passes unanimously (11 out of 11 present voters).   Media type registration template - csd01 -> csd02/csprd01 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00005.html * 30-day Public Review for Media Type Registration Template for #XLIFF Version 2.0 - ends July 17th      https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00056.html BS: We have not received any comments so far.   TC Charter      Clarification https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00004.html  * Ballot passed: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2616  * “An issue has come up in your charter clarification”      Issue: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00003.html      Must request special majority ballot https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00012.html DF: the structural requirements for a charter had changed since the TC last clarified it back in 2007 or so and Chet proposed how to distribute our approved content throughout the now required sections. I suggested some minor changes to his proposal. Changes can be tracked on the svn [DF goes through the changes that are highlighted on the following document] : http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/XLIFF2.0Charter/XLIFF%20TC%20Charter%20Clarification_Restructured_ToBeAproved.docx?op=dl&rev=0&isdir=0 Fredrik: I think the changes make sense and they are improvements. DF: I move to approve the TC Officers requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Ballot to approve the charter clarification contained here:  http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/XLIFF2.0Charter/XLIFF%20TC%20Charter%20Clarification_Restructured_ToBeAproved.docx?op=dl&rev=0&isdir=0   Fredrik: I second Yes: Helena, Tom, Fredrik, DavidF, Luc ia, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Joachim, Souroush. No: N/A Abstain: N/A The motion passes unanimously (11 out of 11 present voters).   Proposal for Fragment Id Prefix registration       https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201405/msg00014.html       https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00014.html BS: Yves has submitted a proposal. No comments were received so far. YS: I tried to divide the proposal in two parts: defining the format for the registration list, and outline a text that we can put in the registration. All the things have been already discussed (at least partially) in the past months. BS: Any comments? YS: have at least two people read the proposal? Any issues seen? BS: I have not been seen any typo nor issues. DF: I have not seen any either. We might need to continue the work on the wiki. YS: that makes sense. DF: we can also store artefacts on the SVN. The SVN is public and we can publish the links that are generated. The registration artifact should be on the SVN, also sample files. DF: An action item for Yves should be to create the space on the wiki, and Bryan can then publish it on the TC public page. We require the submissions through the comment list. YS: I can write the wiki. Fredrik: if we have a non-public address might be better. DF: We need to use the comment lists because people who register to the list have to accept the OASIS IPR Policy. BS: Any more comments ? Proposal on XLIFF 2.x cadence BS: Kevin is not here today, this gets moved to the next meeting: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201406/msg00001.html XLIFF 2.0 Tools report (open to anyone who wants to comment on their tool(s)) BS: Great work being done by Yves.   XLIFF OM and API discussion moved to XLIFF User list DF: I have some issues subscribing to this mailing list, has anyone had the same problem? YS: I have had some issues too, it can take a while, about 12 hours. FS: It worked for me. DF: Who is the owner? Bryan? BS: No, I am not. But I can resend you the emails. DF: I will ask Chet for help with this.   III Sub Committee Report XLIFF Symposium and F2F debrief BS: We received a very good energy from the symposium. -Yves’ published a great article in Multilingual on XLIFF 2.0. DF: We had a successful Symposium, also financially. People in Dublin were interested to have another meeting in Vancouver. We might have a mini symposium (FEISGILTT) in Vancouver. There was a clear call also for an API, there are already some discussions going on the user mailing lists. There were good reports on the ITS2 progress for XLIFF 2.1 and also on advanced validation that we should provide within 2.1. Felix demonstrated some of the advanced standardized validation techniques, such as Schematron or NVDL. We have also received input for some fixes in 2.1. We agreed to open new wiki for collecting and moving forward features. Bryan, are you the gardener? BS: I wonder if we need to have the 2.0 items alive or if I could archive it DF: Could it be duplicated? BS: Not a trivial, will look into it. DF: we should start working on the 2.1 if we are to adhere to the roadmap. That means having reference implementation by November. There are already solid reference implementations for ITS. We need some concentrated work on advanced validation techniques. Felix and Soroush are already working on this. It would be great if we can track this work on the wiki. The TC Administrator has created the template for XLIFF 2.1 as requested, so we can start working on it, no problem. DF: WRT membership ballot on OASIS standard, it is important that TC members talk to their company’s primary representative to vote. Df: I will finish the minutes from the Symposium next week. In the meantime WIP minutes are published: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201407/msg00003.html BS: Any questions? DF: Please remember to vote on the special majority ballots. It is important to be able to point to unanimous TC decisions.     Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 http://www.cngl.ie/profile/?i=452 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie