OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

[xliff] Minutes of the XLIFF TC held on February 25th

  • 1.  [xliff] Minutes of the XLIFF TC held on February 25th

    Posted 02-25-2003 12:52
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    Subject: [xliff] Minutes of the XLIFF TC held on February 25th

    It's been a while since I last took minutes at am eeting so I hope these are a fair reflection of what we discussed today ...


    The Minutes of the XLIFF TC held on February 25th are below.


    1/ Attendance:

    TonyJ ewtushenko, Oracle Corporation, TC Chair

    Jonathan Clark, TC Vice-Chairman

    Christian Lieske, SAP

    David Pooley, SDL

    Mirek Driml, Moravia-IT

    John Reid, Novell

    Shigemichi Yazawa

    Mark Levins, IBM/Lotus

    Bryan Schnabel, Tektronix

    G�rard Cattin des Bois, Microsoft

    Mat Lovatt, Oracle

    Reinhard Schaler, LRC

    DougD omeny

    Malvina Fleming, LRC (Observer)



    Peter Reynolds, Bowne Global Solutions, TC Secretary

    Yves Savourel, TC Editor



    EndaM cDonnell

    Milan Kar�sek, Moravia-IT


    2/ Minutes of last meeting read and agree proposed by John, seconded by David.


    3/ Review open issues in the tracking report:

    Tony noted that items 14-17 are incorrectly color-coded (should be magenta/purple as they are assigned to the editor)


    [19]C onsolidated attribute values list

    Bryan's tests were successful. This has been sent to Yves to incorporate in to the XSD.

    Vote to accept option (2) as a valid solution. No opposition voiced. Motion carried.

    The remaining issue is with mime types. Some discussion followed on whether to enumerate all the mime types and sub-types in the XSD. Bryan offered to look at whether we could compose the XSD to cover the existing MIME types and sub-types from the RFC by the end of the week and also allow pattern matching. It is to be based on the current "purpose" attribute which uses a union between a pattern match and a closed list.


    [20] Phases of <alt-trans>

    John didn't have a proposal for this. John suggested we leave it for V1.1. Tony asked what impact that would have. The absence of a tight definition leaves the door open fort ools developers to interpret the values differently. Tony suggested that we wouldn't be able to fix this regardless of how much time was spent. John agreed and pointed out that there were other areas open to interpretation in thes pecification. Tony suggested that we resolve this issue after V1.1. Johnp roposed that we defer this until after V1.1. Seconded by Mark. Carried without opposition.


    [21] Attribute values list

    Tony's mail with the attribute values attachment was reviewed http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200302/msg00052.html



    The list for context-type was accepted without opposition



    The list for count-type was changed to hyphenated, lower-case values (e.g. "no-of-usages"). John suggested that we allow all values for "datatype", "restype" and "state" to be valid for "count-type" and remove duplicates from the "count-type" list. Some discussion about complex counting followed but it was decided to put this to one side until a later date. Some values were moved to the "state" attribute list. This just left "total", "repetition" and "num-usages". The list was then accepted without opposition.



    "menu" renamed to "menufile". Some discussion on the "mimetype" value. Decision reached tor emove "mimetype" and incorporate valid "mime-type" values in to datatype." rcdata" moved to restype. "stringtable" and "window" removed. Shigamichis uggested some further values and will send them to Tony. The list was thena ccepted without opposition.



    The list was accepted without opposition.


    [22] Inline tags

    David was happy to defer this until after V1.1


    4/ New Business

    No new business was raised.


    5/ Next Meeting

    The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday March 4th


    Meetng was adjourned due to completing the agenda.


    David Pooley, Software Architect

    SDL International

    Aspect Court, Pond Hill, Sheffield, S1 2BG, UK

    Tel:+ 44-114-253-5300

    Fax:+ 44-114-253-5200



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