Hi Everyone, We would like to remind you of this great opportunity to speak at the Open DataCenter Alliance in Seattle at the end of June. Please let Paul (CCed) know ASAP if you can help out. Let's not miss out on this great opportunity! Thanks, Jeremy Jeremy Hess Community & Growth Manager, Cloudify +972-54- 768-4139
jeremy@gigaspaces.com http://getcloudify.org ? On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Lipton, Paul C <
Paul.Lipton@ca.com > wrote: Hi TOSCA-teers, At today’s TC meeting I mentioned that Open DataCenter Alliance (big group of cloud-consuming companies, e.g., banks, etc.) has invited the TOSCA TC to update them on TOSCA (We had speakers at their conference in 2014 and experienced a big room FULL of interested people!). The invitation is open to one or more TC speakers in either panel or speaker format for 30 minutes, but you most step forward ASAP! MORE DETAILS: · ODCA speaking/panel for one or more TC members (Seattle, June 28-29) · Website:
https://opendatacenteralliance.org/forecast/forecast-2016/ Check out their membership list here ! It would be a shame for TOSCA to lose this opportunity! Thanks, Paul