OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE:[ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

  • 1.  Re: Schema-Specification normative preference wasRE:[ebxml-msg]Issue73:http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelopenamespace

    Posted 02-18-2002 19:49
    The reason why the ebxml-msg TC has to define its own namespace is because
    the ebXML message header elements are defined as extensions to the SOAP
    Header and SOAP body elements. SOAP requires extension elements to be
    namespace qualified.
    The schemaLocation attributes in the schema and in instance documents only
    serve as hints. Schema processors are not required to use these hints. The
    application that invokes a schema processor can direct the latter not to
    dereference the value specified for the schemaLocation attribute and instead
    use some cached version of the schema.
    The following is an excerpt from http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/
    5.6 schemaLocation
    XML Schema uses the schemaLocation and xsi:schemaLocation attributes in
    three circumstances.
    1. In an instance document, the attribute xsi:schemaLocation provides hints
    from the author to a processor regarding the location of schema documents.
    The author warrants that these schema documents are relevant to checking the
    validity of the document content, on a namespace by namespace basis. For
    example, we can indicate the location of the Report schema to a processor of
    the Quarterly Report:
    Using schemaLocation in the Quarterly Report, 4Q99html.xml
      period="P3M" periodEnding="1999-12-31">
     <!-- etc. -->
    The schemaLocation attribute contains pairs of values: The first member of
    each pair is the namespace for which the second member is the hint
    describing where to find to an appropriate schema document. The presence of
    these hints does not require the processor to obtain or use the cited schema
    documents, and the processor is free to use other schemas obtained by any
    suitable means, or to use no schema at all.
    A schema is not required to have a namespace (see Section 3.4) and so there
    is a noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute which is used to provide hints for
    the locations of schema documents that do not have target namespaces.
    2. In a schema, the include element has a required schemaLocation attribute,
    and it contains a URI reference which must identify a schema document. The
    effect is to compose a final effective schema by merging the declarations
    and definitions of the including and the included schemas. For example, in
    Section 4, the type definitions of Address, USAddress, UKAddress, USState
    (along with their attribute and local element declarations) from address.xsd
    were added to the element declarations of purchaseOrder and comment, and the
    type definitions of PurchaseOrderType, Items and SKU (along with their
    attribute and local element declarations) from ipo.xsd to create a single
    3. Also in a schema, the import element has optional namespace and
    schemaLocation attributes. If present, the schemaLocation attribute is
    understood in a way which parallels the interpretation of xsi:schemaLocation
    in (1). Specifically, it provides a hint from the author to a processor
    regarding the location of a schema document that the author warrants
    supplies the required components for the namespace identified by the
    namespace attribute. To import components that are not in any target
    namespace, the import element is used without a namespace attribute (and
    with or without a schemaLocation attribute). References to components
    imported in this manner are unqualified.
    Note that the schemaLocation is only a hint and some processors and
    applications will have reasons to not use it. For example, an HTML editor
    may have a built-in HTML schema.