OASIS Code List Representation TC

Time to rejoin the Code List Representation TC

  • 1.  Time to rejoin the Code List Representation TC

    Posted 02-25-2021 15:29
    Hi everyone, I am writing to invite you to rejoin the Code List Representation Technical Committee under its revised charter. I have bcc'ed all except Ken and Andrea. Andrea, note that I have added you to the roster as the TC Convener. All who join now and attend the first meeting will join as Voting Members. The first meeting is scheduled for 05 March 2021. To rejoin, go to the TC's home page at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/codelist/ and click join group under Roster. Note that as with any TC, if you work for an OASIS Organizational Member, your request will have to be approved by your Primary Representative. To find the name of your Primary Rep, click on your employer's name on the upper right side of the screen. You will find your Primary rep listed on the left under My Company. The first task at the inaugural meeting will be to elect your TC Chair(s). You may, of course, reaffirm your prior Chair(s) for the role. If you wish to nominate yourself or another for consideration at the first meeting, feel free to do so by sending an email to the list. I look forward to joining you all at the inaugural meeting. Until then, feel free to contact me with any questions. Best regards, /chet -- Chet Ensign Chief Technical Community Steward OASIS Open +1 201-341-1393 chet.ensign@oasis-open.org www.oasis-open.org