EM Infrastructure Framework SC

Groups - 04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee (04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee.doc) uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - 04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee (04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee.doc) uploaded

    Posted 05-25-2010 11:00
    Please review these minutes of the April 27th, 2010 meeting of the
    Infrastructure Subcommittee prior to their approval at our next meeting,
    subject to any specified changes. Thanks.
     -- Jeff Waters
    The document named 04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee
    (04-27-10-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee.doc) has been submitted by Jeff Waters to
    the EM Infrastructure Framework SC document repository.
    Document Description:
    Minutes from the April 27th, 2010 meeting of the Infrastructure
    Subcommittee. At today's meeting, the participants discussed the importance
    of getting the call for comments out prior to a face-2-face meeting of the
    subcommittee scheduled for late June in order to gather together all
    outstanding issues concerning the current version of the Distribution
    Element. The participants began to review the current issues list in
    preparation for the upcoming face-2-face.
    View Document Details:
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    may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
    the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    -OASIS Open Administration