OASIS Emergency Management TC

[emergency] Agenda for 2/25 Call

  • 1.  [emergency] Agenda for 2/25 Call

    Posted 02-24-2003 16:26
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    emergency message

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    Subject: [emergency] Agenda for 2/25 Call

    Dialin: 1.800.453.7412
    Access Code: 604776
    1. Review of action items from last meeting (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200302/msg00024.html). Please note that I am continuing to work on the requirements document, so that will not be available to discuss for the call tomorrow. Along those lines, please send any input you have - any minimal sets of requirements. Note that these could be technical (ie: "definitely need to support multiple environments"), functional, or represent specific markets to address.
    2. Update on Gartner's interest in our efforts. You can read about what kicked this off here: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200302/msg00021.html
    3. What is specific about incidents and emergencies? Hope we can have a very active discussion about our thoughts on this. For instance, how processing or the ability to communicate is prioritized is definitely one area. Looking for more - this will help drive requirements.
    4. Face-to-face: please make recommendations for any other locations. You can see a list of what has been submitted here: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200302/msg00022.html
    R. Allen Wyke
    VP, Technology and Services

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