OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-15-2007 21:39

    We’ve had some e-mail discussions about “How much flexibility specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard”. But those discussions have been fairly quiet for 10 days or so.  We had some good discussion of this during the last DITA TC meeting.  During that discussion we agreed to move the discussion back to the DITA TC e-mail list.  


    So this note is my attempt to get the e-mail discussion restarted.


    I don’t think we want to talk about this issue during tomorrow’s DITA TC call, but if we can get some good discussion going on the e-mail list we may be ready to talk about it during next week’s call.


    I think Gershon’s draft meeting minutes provide a pretty good summary of the discussion, so far. From the draft 9 October 2007 meeting minutes:


              4) How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to

                behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?


                    JO: We had good discussions. MP has a more liberal approach,

                    whereas I feel we should not permit as much flexibility.


                    MP: I'm drawing the line between syntax and behavior. Syntax

                    must be preserved. Everything beyond there is pretty contextual.


                    JE: There are edge cases where we've had to deviate from the

                    standard in order to achieve the specialization we needed.

                    Though these are minor deviations that could be easily

                    transformed back into standard DITA.




                    MP: If someone wants to override the stated default behavior

                    (for some good reason), I don't think we should call that going

                    against the DITA spec.




                    Don requested we move this discussion to the email list.


                    Yet further discussion...


                    Don asked us to take items 3 and 4 off into 2 discussions next

                    week. In the meantime, continue discussions on-list.


    Much of the discussion so far has been between Michael and me.  I’d like to see if we can get some others to express their views on this issue.  If most people don’t care or if most people agree with Michael that specializers can do pretty much anything they want, we may not need a lot more discussion.  If this position makes some people uneasy, then we need to find that out and we will need to continue the discussion to figure out how and where to draw some lines.


    I believe that there is agreement that specializers have a lot of control and can change many things related to output processing behaviors of their specializations. I think there is also agreement that we need to review the DITA specifications to make sure they are clear about what MUST, SHOULD, or MAY be done with respect to both the basic DITA document types that are officially part of the standard (topic, map, concept, glossary, reference, task, and bookmap) and for user defined specializations that aren’t a formal part of the standard. I am a little less sure, but I think there is agreement that we want to add some sort of conformance statement to the DITA specifications.


    The question that is up for discussion is, are specializers free to do anything they want or are there some things that the DITA Standard makes out of bounds even for user defined specializations that aren’t part of the official DITA standard?


    From my point of view, I’d like to see some limits on what specializers can do in terms of referencing behaviors (what legal DITA URI’s can look like and what they mean), and when there are interactions such as property cascading behavior between one document and another (from a map to a topic or from a map to a map to a topic).  I want to increase the likelihood that DITA users can share their documents, including specialized documents, with others or move the documents into new processing environments and still get good results.  I want to reduce the amount of reimplementation users have to do when they share their documents or move into new processing environments.


    Paul Grosso described this in terms of the distinction that is made in XSLT between transformations and styling. Styling would be very open and specializers could do pretty much whatever they want.  Transformations (explicit or implied) would be more tightly defined by the DITA Standard and specializers would have less flexibility (but still some flexibility).  Paul, feel free to restate this if what I wrote here isn’t quite right.


    I’ll shut up now. Please let us know what you think.



  • 2.  Proposal 12031 for Controlled Values

    Posted 10-16-2007 15:41

    Hi, Esteemed Technical Committee:

    I've posted the reviewable design proposal for managing controlled values:

    = authoritative version

    = for viewing convenience

    In essence, the proposal lets content teams define subjects for use as values in selection attributes for filtering, flagging, or retrieval independent of the XML vocabularies defined in the document types.

    The proposal depends on the keys proposal (which Michael Priestley is bringing forward separately in a workgroup).

    Many thanks to Jeff Ogden and Deborah Pickett for their insightful and scrupulous comments.

    Erik Hennum

  • 3.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions tobehaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-17-2007 03:56

    "Ogden, Jeff" <jogden@ptc.com> wrote on 16/10/2007 07:39:06 AM:
    > The question that is up for discussion is, are specializers free to
    > do anything they want or are there some things that the DITA
    > Standard makes out of bounds even for user defined specializations
    > that aren’t part of the official DITA standard?

    I prefer for the standard to make no promises, and let specializers take as much rope as they need.
    > From my point of view, I’d like to see some limits on what
    > specializers can do in terms of referencing behaviors (what legal
    > DITA URI’s can look like and what they mean),

    Interesting that you bring up URIs.  Inevitably some specialization is going to come along that wants to link to somewhere in a way that isn't covered by existing hrefs.  We don't have a standard way of making new href-like attributes, and to cater to those specializations we need to.  Or do we: is this what data/@href is for?

    And because that made me think of xlink, it reminds me that something we have also not discussed for an awfully long time is namespaces.  Are DITA specializers allowed to add namespaced attributes?

    > I want to increase the likelihood that DITA users can
    > share their documents, including specialized documents, with others
    > or move the documents into new processing environments and still get
    > good results.  I want to reduce the amount of reimplementation users
    > have to do when they share their documents or move into new
    > processing environments.

    This is a little tangential, but depending on how we approach a solution, it might not be.

    I suppose that a common scenario is that I have a document that contains a specialization, but for $transform I don't have any processing to handle that specialization, so I get fallback behaviour.

    Sometimes fallback behaviour is fine.  The UI domain, for instance, is hardly groundbreaking, and falling back to <ph> is not going to hurt.

    Sometimes fallback behaviour is ugly.  The Utilities domain's <imagemap> element doesn't really work if rendered as a plain <fig>: you end up seeing the coordinates as plain text.  (I suppose the real culprit here is the <shape> element rather than its ancestor imagemap, and that if it were omitted you'd get something at least presentable.)

    How can the processor know when fallback behaviour is acceptable?  Is there some way for a <shape> to say to the processing for its base topic/keyword, "skip me" (or "die")?  (Obviously the answer today is "no, there isn't", so really my question is "is this something we want?".)

    Deborah Pickett
    Information Architect, Moldflow Corporation, Melbourne

  • 4.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to makeexceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 19:11
    On 10/15/07 4:39 PM, "Ogden, Jeff" 

  • 5.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions tobehaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 19:22

    Hi Eliot,

    >- All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    >you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    >(or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    Couldn't the implementer choose to create hoverhelp for a link to APItopics by summarizing the syntax, rather than always pulling the shortdesc? Agreed the syntax should be consistent, but why limit what we do with that syntax?

    >- Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Couldn't an implementer decide that they want to limit reuse in their organization to content coming from specific directories? For example, check the conref path to ensure that it starts with "/reuse/"?

    It seems to me that one of the advantages of having conref as an explicit process rather than something that happens as part of parsing (as with entities or XIncludes) is that you can, as an implementer, choose to enhance or restrict the processing according to your local requirements.

    Michael Priestley
    Lead IBM DITA Architect

    "Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@reallysi.com>

    10/25/2007 03:10 PM

    "dita" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    On 10/15/07 4:39 PM, "Ogden, Jeff" <jogden@ptc.com> wrote:

    > The question that is up for discussion is, are specializers free to do
    > anything they want or are there some things that the DITA Standard makes
    > out of bounds even for user defined specializations that aren't part of
    > the official DITA standard?

    > From my point of view, I'd like to see some limits on what specializers
    > can do in terms of referencing behaviors (what legal DITA URI's can look
    > like and what they mean), and when there are interactions such as
    > property cascading behavior between one document and another (from a map
    > to a topic or from a map to a map to a topic).  I want to increase the
    > likelihood that DITA users can share their documents, including
    > specialized documents, with others or move the documents into new
    > processing environments and still get good results.  I want to reduce
    > the amount of reimplementation users have to do when they share their
    > documents or move into new processing environments.

    The DITA specification defines a number of core processing semantics that
    constitute the core processing infrastructure that makes DITA both work
    functionally (that is, when implemented, those features produce the result
    that you presumably want because you're using DITA) and allows documents and
    document processing to be reasonably interchangeable.

    I think that this infrastructure includes the following:

    - All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    (or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    - Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Where things start to get a little cloudier, and where I think this
    discussion started, is in the area of the implications for topic references
    and in particular how do topic references affect the effective properties of
    the topics they reference?

    The issue here is that while this area can be viewed as concrete in the way
    that addressing and conref are, it can also be seen as a matter of
    presentation style. For example, for some specializations of metadata used
    within topicref I want their values to propagate and replace values on
    referenced topics and for other values I do not. A blanket DITA-defined rule
    of "metadata always propagates" or "metadata never propagates" would be
    wrong some of the time so we can't define it. That leads to Paul's original
    question of how can specializations express their intent in a case like this
    that allows a tool like Arbortext Editor to do the expected thing
    automatically? Clearly in this specific case there's a need for some sort of
    schema-level way to indicate the processing intent.

    Simple enough to design for this case, but how many cases are there?
    Probably lots. That suggests you need a more general mechanism for this sort
    of thing. That will be, necessarily, complex. Easier to just punt and say
    "DITA has no opinion". But that doesn't help Paul. Seems like, for the
    moment, there's no easy answer to this question.

    At a minimum DITA has to define clear default behaviors for those areas
    where processors can legitimately do different things.

    I guess I would need to see some specific cases where a specialization wants
    to deviate from either the defined or suggested behavior to evaluate whether
    or not the deviation is processing or style, there's a way to usefully
    parameterize the behavior choices or whether the requirement can be
    satisfied in a different way. Or where, as above, DITA either says nothing
    or isn't clear and there are multiple useful ways that a processor could

    It's also worth saying that while DITA should "just work" that's always in
    terms of the default behavior, whatever it is, as defined by the DITA spec.
    Specializations that want something other than the default are on their own
    and there should be no expectation on anyone's part that
    specialization-specific stuff will magically happen without some
    implementation effort.

    In that respect, DITA-based applications are no different from any other
    purpose-built XML application in that you may have to do a bit of local
    customization of your generic tools to get what you want. However, with DITA
    it should always be less (or no greater than) it would have otherwise been
    because DITA gives you so much out of the box.

    For example, for demonstration purposes I've defined a specialization of
    reference for capturing animal field guide entries, including
    specializations of <data> for capturing the Linnaean classification of the
    animals described. No DITA-aware processor is going to give me any special
    support for authoring these classifications but I'd probably want to build a
    little classification editor for these values since they need to be
    validated and could be gathered from external data sources and whatnot. I
    would not fault any DITA-supporting editor for not providing that but I
    would expect a way to add it without too much difficulty.



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Senior Solutions Architect
    Really Strategies, Inc.
    "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
    Main: 610.631.6770

    Sent using the Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac Test Drive.

    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS

  • 6.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions tobehaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 19:42


    in the href overriding example, a processor might choose to create a preview by summarizing specialized elements in a target's <refsyn> or equivalent, rather than using the <shortdesc>. This wouldn't affect the syntax of the href, but does change the expected processing from the default.

    I realized in my wording below I used the word syntax twice to mean two different things :-)

    Main point remains the same: I think everything in "expected behavior" is expected default behavior; everything in "expected markup/syntax" is required unless otherwise stated. The syntax for href and conref should be standard; the expected behavior should be default.

    Michael Priestley
    Lead IBM DITA Architect

    Michael Priestley/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

    10/25/2007 03:21 PM

    "Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@reallysi.com>
    "dita" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Hi Eliot,


    >- All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    >you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    >(or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    Couldn't the implementer choose to create hoverhelp for a link to APItopics by summarizing the syntax, rather than always pulling the shortdesc? Agreed the syntax should be consistent, but why limit what we do with that syntax?

    >- Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Couldn't an implementer decide that they want to limit reuse in their organization to content coming from specific directories? For example, check the conref path to ensure that it starts with "/reuse/"?

    It seems to me that one of the advantages of having conref as an explicit process rather than something that happens as part of parsing (as with entities or XIncludes) is that you can, as an implementer, choose to enhance or restrict the processing according to your local requirements.

    Michael Priestley
    Lead IBM DITA Architect

    "Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@reallysi.com>

    10/25/2007 03:10 PM

    "dita" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    On 10/15/07 4:39 PM, "Ogden, Jeff" <jogden@ptc.com> wrote:

    > The question that is up for discussion is, are specializers free to do
    > anything they want or are there some things that the DITA Standard makes
    > out of bounds even for user defined specializations that aren't part of
    > the official DITA standard?

    > From my point of view, I'd like to see some limits on what specializers
    > can do in terms of referencing behaviors (what legal DITA URI's can look
    > like and what they mean), and when there are interactions such as
    > property cascading behavior between one document and another (from a map
    > to a topic or from a map to a map to a topic).  I want to increase the
    > likelihood that DITA users can share their documents, including
    > specialized documents, with others or move the documents into new
    > processing environments and still get good results.  I want to reduce
    > the amount of reimplementation users have to do when they share their
    > documents or move into new processing environments.

    The DITA specification defines a number of core processing semantics that
    constitute the core processing infrastructure that makes DITA both work
    functionally (that is, when implemented, those features produce the result
    that you presumably want because you're using DITA) and allows documents and
    document processing to be reasonably interchangeable.

    I think that this infrastructure includes the following:

    - All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    (or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    - Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Where things start to get a little cloudier, and where I think this
    discussion started, is in the area of the implications for topic references
    and in particular how do topic references affect the effective properties of
    the topics they reference?

    The issue here is that while this area can be viewed as concrete in the way
    that addressing and conref are, it can also be seen as a matter of
    presentation style. For example, for some specializations of metadata used
    within topicref I want their values to propagate and replace values on
    referenced topics and for other values I do not. A blanket DITA-defined rule
    of "metadata always propagates" or "metadata never propagates" would be
    wrong some of the time so we can't define it. That leads to Paul's original
    question of how can specializations express their intent in a case like this
    that allows a tool like Arbortext Editor to do the expected thing
    automatically? Clearly in this specific case there's a need for some sort of
    schema-level way to indicate the processing intent.

    Simple enough to design for this case, but how many cases are there?
    Probably lots. That suggests you need a more general mechanism for this sort
    of thing. That will be, necessarily, complex. Easier to just punt and say
    "DITA has no opinion". But that doesn't help Paul. Seems like, for the
    moment, there's no easy answer to this question.

    At a minimum DITA has to define clear default behaviors for those areas
    where processors can legitimately do different things.

    I guess I would need to see some specific cases where a specialization wants
    to deviate from either the defined or suggested behavior to evaluate whether
    or not the deviation is processing or style, there's a way to usefully
    parameterize the behavior choices or whether the requirement can be
    satisfied in a different way. Or where, as above, DITA either says nothing
    or isn't clear and there are multiple useful ways that a processor could

    It's also worth saying that while DITA should "just work" that's always in
    terms of the default behavior, whatever it is, as defined by the DITA spec.
    Specializations that want something other than the default are on their own
    and there should be no expectation on anyone's part that
    specialization-specific stuff will magically happen without some
    implementation effort.

    In that respect, DITA-based applications are no different from any other
    purpose-built XML application in that you may have to do a bit of local
    customization of your generic tools to get what you want. However, with DITA
    it should always be less (or no greater than) it would have otherwise been
    because DITA gives you so much out of the box.

    For example, for demonstration purposes I've defined a specialization of
    reference for capturing animal field guide entries, including
    specializations of <data> for capturing the Linnaean classification of the
    animals described. No DITA-aware processor is going to give me any special
    support for authoring these classifications but I'd probably want to build a
    little classification editor for these values since they need to be
    validated and could be gathered from external data sources and whatnot. I
    would not fault any DITA-supporting editor for not providing that but I
    would expect a way to add it without too much difficulty.



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Senior Solutions Architect
    Really Strategies, Inc.
    "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
    Main: 610.631.6770

    Sent using the Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac Test Drive.

    To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS

  • 7.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to makeexceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 20:05
    On 10/25/07 2:41 PM, "Michael Priestley" 

  • 8.  Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions tobehaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 22:23

    I guess I was having trouble separating out "addressing" as a behavior from the various actual processes that use addressing. I see your point.

    I was thinking of addressing as "what the syntax means" - for example topicid/elementid - we wouldn't want that to be overridden by processing, it's not even clear to me what overriding that would mean. But I buy that processing for addresses should not ignore or misinterpret the actual information in the address. That said, all the processes that do something with the info at that address should be overrideable - like shortdesc pulling, link creation, etc. etc.

    For conref, which goes beyond the address, where do we draw the line? Is there a problem with my example? Or is it another case where the syntax's meaning is preserved, so even if the exact behavior as described in the spec doesn't apply it still is preserving the important part of the process, ie the meaning of the address?

    As another conref example: we say you can generalize on the fly where necessary/appropriate - I can imagine someone overriding the generalization to, for example, generate titles for specialized sections that are being generalized during conref. Is that ok? Are there other conref overrides that wouldn't be ok, for example overriding the process to allow conref across specializations without generalization at all?

    Michael Priestley
    Lead IBM DITA Architect

    "Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@reallysi.com>

    10/25/2007 04:03 PM

    Michael Priestley/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
    "dita" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    On 10/25/07 2:41 PM, "Michael Priestley" <mpriestl@ca.ibm.com> wrote:

    > Clarification:
    > in the href overriding example, a processor might choose to create a
    > preview by summarizing specialized elements in a target's <refsyn> or
    > equivalent, rather than using the <shortdesc>. This wouldn't affect the
    > syntax of the href, but does change the expected processing from the
    > default.

    What you've described is rendition, not address resolution.

    That is, when I say "addressing" I mean "the object that is addressed by the
    href value" which is different with what you do with that thing once you
    have it.

    That is, how or if you produce tooltips in some rendition is entirely a
    matter of style. What those tooltips apply to (or at least what the initial
    source of their ultimate value is) is a function of invariant address

    That is, you can choose to produce or not produce tooltips, you can't change
    what "mytopic.dita#topicid/elementid" means from an address resolution

    [Note that this is one problem with DITA not using standard addressing
    mechanisms: it provides no built in mechanism for choice in how you do
    addressing at the fragment identifier level, which means you either have
    non-DITA stuff or you use URIs that have to be interpreted by a specific URI
    resolver. This is a fundamental problem with DITA 1.x that must be corrected
    in DITA 2.]

    > Main point remains the same: I think everything in "expected behavior" is
    > expected default behavior; everything in "expected markup/syntax" is
    > required unless otherwise stated. The syntax for href and conref should be

    But the point is that that there are some things in DITA that are not
    "expected behavior" but "required behavior", which includes, I assert, all
    addressing and conref.



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Senior Solutions Architect
    Really Strategies, Inc.
    "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
    Main: 610.631.6770

    Sent using the Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac Test Drive.

  • 9.  RE: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?

    Posted 10-25-2007 22:18

    Eliot, thanks for your comments and for getting this conversation started again.


    In response to Michael’s comment/question:

    > Couldn't an implementer decide that they want to limit reuse in their organization

    > to content coming from specific directories? For example, check the conref path

    > to ensure that it starts with "/reuse/"?


    I don’t see a problem with this as long as the implementer is being more restrictive than what is required by the standard.  The standard says that conref values are URIs that reference DITA content with a number of checks to make sure they content being referenced is legal or is likely to be legal in the new context.  Limiting the references to a particular path isn’t violating that. The conref values that start with /reuse/ will always be valid URI and with a bit of luck the thing being referenced will be DITA content that is legal in the current content. An implementation will not have to do anything special to make the required checks. You can’t expect other implementations to impose the same limitations automatically, but that is OK.




    From: Michael Priestley [mailto:mpriestl@ca.ibm.com]
    Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:21 PM
    To: Eliot Kimber
    Cc: dita
    Subject: Re: [dita] How much flexibility do specializers have to make exceptions to behaviors that are outlined in the DITA standard?


    Hi Eliot,

    >- All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    >you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    >(or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    Couldn't the implementer choose to create hoverhelp for a link to APItopics by summarizing the syntax, rather than always pulling the shortdesc? Agreed the syntax should be consistent, but why limit what we do with that syntax?

    >- Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Couldn't an implementer decide that they want to limit reuse in their organization to content coming from specific directories? For example, check the conref path to ensure that it starts with "/reuse/"?

    It seems to me that one of the advantages of having conref as an explicit process rather than something that happens as part of parsing (as with entities or XIncludes) is that you can, as an implementer, choose to enhance or restrict the processing according to your local requirements.

    Michael Priestley
    Lead IBM DITA Architect


    On 10/15/07 4:39 PM, "Ogden, Jeff" <jogden@ptc.com> wrote:

    > The question that is up for discussion is, are specializers free to do
    > anything they want or are there some things that the DITA Standard makes
    > out of bounds even for user defined specializations that aren't part of
    > the official DITA standard?

    > From my point of view, I'd like to see some limits on what specializers
    > can do in terms of referencing behaviors (what legal DITA URI's can look
    > like and what they mean), and when there are interactions such as
    > property cascading behavior between one document and another (from a map
    > to a topic or from a map to a map to a topic).  I want to increase the
    > likelihood that DITA users can share their documents, including
    > specialized documents, with others or move the documents into new
    > processing environments and still get good results.  I want to reduce
    > the amount of reimplementation users have to do when they share their
    > documents or move into new processing environments.

    The DITA specification defines a number of core processing semantics that
    constitute the core processing infrastructure that makes DITA both work
    functionally (that is, when implemented, those features produce the result
    that you presumably want because you're using DITA) and allows documents and
    document processing to be reasonably interchangeable.

    I think that this infrastructure includes the following:

    - All addressing of DITA-governed content by DITA-governed content. That is,
    you cannot, within a specialization, change the rules for resolving hrefs
    (or any other DITA-defined addressing mechanism)) to DITA-based content.

    - Conref. You cannot change the constraints or effective result that conref

    Where things start to get a little cloudier, and where I think this
    discussion started, is in the area of the implications for topic references
    and in particular how do topic references affect the effective properties of
    the topics they reference?

    The issue here is that while this area can be viewed as concrete in the way
    that addressing and conref are, it can also be seen as a matter of
    presentation style. For example, for some specializations of metadata used
    within topicref I want their values to propagate and replace values on
    referenced topics and for other values I do not. A blanket DITA-defined rule
    of "metadata always propagates" or "metadata never propagates" would be
    wrong some of the time so we can't define it. That leads to Paul's original
    question of how can specializations express their intent in a case like this
    that allows a tool like Arbortext Editor to do the expected thing
    automatically? Clearly in this specific case there's a need for some sort of
    schema-level way to indicate the processing intent.

    Simple enough to design for this case, but how many cases are there?
    Probably lots. That suggests you need a more general mechanism for this sort
    of thing. That will be, necessarily, complex. Easier to just punt and say
    "DITA has no opinion". But that doesn't help Paul. Seems like, for the
    moment, there's no easy answer to this question.

    At a minimum DITA has to define clear default behaviors for those areas
    where processors can legitimately do different things.

    I guess I would need to see some specific cases where a specialization wants
    to deviate from either the defined or suggested behavior to evaluate whether
    or not the deviation is processing or style, there's a way to usefully
    parameterize the behavior choices or whether the requirement can be
    satisfied in a different way. Or where, as above, DITA either says nothing
    or isn't clear and there are multiple useful ways that a processor could

    It's also worth saying that while DITA should "just work" that's always in
    terms of the default behavior, whatever it is, as defined by the DITA spec.
    Specializations that want something other than the default are on their own
    and there should be no expectation on anyone's part that
    specialization-specific stuff will magically happen without some
    implementation effort.

    In that respect, DITA-based applications are no different from any other
    purpose-built XML application in that you may have to do a bit of local
    customization of your generic tools to get what you want. However, with DITA
    it should always be less (or no greater than) it would have otherwise been
    because DITA gives you so much out of the box.

    For example, for demonstration purposes I've defined a specialization of
    reference for capturing animal field guide entries, including
    specializations of <data> for capturing the Linnaean classification of the
    animals described. No DITA-aware processor is going to give me any special
    support for authoring these classifications but I'd probably want to build a
    little classification editor for these values since they need to be
    validated and could be gathered from external data sources and whatnot. I
    would not fault any DITA-supporting editor for not providing that but I
    would expect a way to add it without too much difficulty.



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Senior Solutions Architect
    Really Strategies, Inc.
    "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together"
    Main: 610.631.6770

    Sent using the Microsoft Entourage 2004 for Mac Test Drive.

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