Jomar Silva wrote:
> ***************************************
>> Christian also posted a note on:
>> anim:audio-level
>> We say:
>>> The |anim:audio-level| attribute specifies the volume during
>>> playback. Its value is a number in the range 0 (inaudible) to 1 (the
>>> system volume).
>> My comment and the response:
>>> Ed. Note System volume is undefined and that in the schema the
>>> datatype is double.
>>> CL: System volume means that you can't define the sound to be louder
>>> than what the user set as the loudest volume on his system. So '1'
>>> is the maximum volume allowed on that system and 0.5 would be half
>>> of that.
>> OK, so would:
>> "The |anim:audio-level| attribute specifies the volume level during
>> playback. Its value is a number in the range 0 (inaudible) to 1 (the
>> maximum system volume)."
>> do the trick?
>> Hope everyone is having a great day!
>> Patrick
> I think that it would be more clear with:
> "The |anim:audio-level| attribute specifies the volume level during
> playback. Its value is a number in the range 0 (inaudible) to 1 (the
> current system volume)."
> As a non-native English speaker, "maximum system volume" sounds very
> loud (i.e. if I have my PC connected with my home theater, they'll
> form a very loud system). Also, the text proposed my Patrick may bring
> me translation problems if I need to translate ODF 1.2 to Brazilian
> Portuguese, as I did with ODF 1.0 (BTW, I hope I really need to
> translate 1.2).
Yes, but your suggestion of "the range 0 (inaudible) to 1 (the current
system volume)." would mean that if I already have my "system" volume
set to 0 that there would be no sound at all, ever.
My wording may not be the best so feel free to suggest other language
but I think what we are trying to say is there is a range of volume that
runs from 0 (inaudible) to 1 (which I called the maximum, feel free to
suggest other language) but at the other end of the range from inaudible.
The real difficulty being that we never define "current system volume"
and I am not really sure how we would do so.
Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!
> Best,
> Jomar
Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)