Dead LegalDocML members, we intend to convene a LegalDocML TC meeting on 24th Jan. 18.30 CET time. I hope it is convenient for everybody, otherwise let me know your preferences. The agenda is the following: 1- Special Majority Vote to submit the Committee Specification as a Candidate OASIS Standard. "2.8 Approval of an OASIS Standard [1] Approval of an OASIS Standard is a multi-step process: 1.Submission of a Candidate OASIS Standard (COS) to the TC Administrator, 2.Completion of a public review lasting a minimum of 60 days, and 3.A call for consent to approve the COS as OASIS Standard. 4.A potential single, second call for consent after addressing negative comments. 2.8.1 Submission of a Candidate OASIS Standard After the approval of a Committee Specification, and after three Statements of Use referencing the Committee Specification have been presented to the TC, a TC may resolve by Special Majority Vote to submit the Committee Specification as a Candidate OASIS Standard. At least one of the Statements of Use must come from an OASIS Organizational Member. The TC may decide to withdraw the submission, by Special Majority Vote, at any time until the final approval. The chair shall submit the request for the Special Majority Vote using the request mechanism designated by the OASIS TC Administrator. " 2- revision of the "Akoma Ntoso Pocket Guide" submitted by Grant Vergottini [2] 3- next meetings and TC schedule. If you need to discuss other issues, let me know in order to update the Agenda. Best regards, Monica [1] [2] -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ====================================