telecon July 22, 2022 Scribe nomination Roll Call Next meeting: August 19, 2022 Voting Rights Held by: Kazuo Yabuta Masaki Wakao Tom Kamimura Shigeaki Matsumoto Hiroyuki Yoshida Yoshio Horiuchi Shigenori Kobayashi Chair: Tom Kamimura Scribe: Tom Kamimura Attendees: Tom Kamimura Masaki Wakao Kazuo Yabuta Shigeaki Matsumoto Shigenori Kobayashi Hiroyuki Yoshida Yoshio Horiuchi Hiroyuki Yoshida Discussions 1. Properties 'producedFor' and 'requiredBy' The 'producedFor' property of Artifact and the 'requiredBy' of WorkItem are overloaded with different cardinality. Also, the definition of 'producedFor' in Artifact is different from that in Figure 4 of the spec document ( ) in that the target of the link is defined as ScopeItem [*]. It should be defined as Scope[0..1]. 2. Namespace of the property 'isParOf' of ScopeItem , Artifact and WorkItem A namespace of the property of Artifact is defined as 'dcterms', while namespaces of the property of ScopeItem and WorkItem are defined as 'oslc_promcode'. Since the of use of the property is the same for all three classes, it was agreed to change the current definition. To do so, two choices were proposed: choice 1 to change the namespace of the property of Artifact to 'oslc_promcode' and choice 2 to change the namespaces of the property of ScopeItem and WorkItem to 'dcterms'. Kamimura proposed to a motion to vote on the choices. Wakao-san seconded. After the discussions on benefit and drawback of each choice, voting was conducted with unanimous result to favor the choice 1. 3. Discussion on opportunities of PROMCODE in system integration projects. We agreed to get the latest information on the latest system integration business trends. It was agreed to get perspectives from NEC and IBM. Kobayashi-san and Wakao-san will try to get information to present at the next call. Actions: Kobayashi-san to gather information on NEC's system integration business, status of agile projects and opportunities of PROMCODE. Wakao-san to talk to Nikami-san to get IBM's view on the same subject. Matsumoto-san to continue to work on his PROMCODE server implementation using Lyo Toolkit. Wakao-san and Horiuchi-san to investigate further on how an Excel adapter can be implemented. Minutes created by T. Kamimura