OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 6 October 2003

  • 1.  Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 6 October 2003

    Posted 10-09-2003 12:23
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    Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 6 October 2003

    OCTOBER, THE 6TH, 2003, 3PM GMT – 4:10PM GMT
    Doug Alberg <doug.alberg@boeing.com>, Boeing
    Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Simon Davis <simond@naa.gov.au>, National Archive of Australia
    Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
    David Faure <faure@kde.org>
    Tom Magliery <Tom.Magliery@corel.com>, Corel
    Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Acceptance of Minutes of the September, the 29th meeting
    - The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
    Action Items
    - (Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text 
    and table documents)
       - in progress
    - Daniel Vogelheim, (Paul Langille): proposal for business charts
       - in progress
    - Daniel Vogelheim: Clarification/Proposal regarding different numbers 
    of cells in table rows.
       - done, see
    - David-Faure: Proposal regarding enhanced table styles that support 
    cell formatting properties.
       - done, see
    - Paul Grosso: Clarify whether XSL-FO supports table border 
    specifications based on row and column groups.
       - done, see
    - Michael Brauer: Clarify why the OpenOffice.org specification supports 
    nested row and column groups.
       - done, see
    Discussion of Work Package 5.3 Style Properties
    The TC discussed table formatting properties as described in section 
    4.18 of the OpenOffice.org XML specification.
    The TC discussed the behavior of tables that have incomplete or empty 
    rows. Daniel clarified in
    that there is a different but reasonable behavior for the different kind 
    of applications (word processor, spreadsheet, etc.). The TC agreed to 
    add this clarification to the specification document.
    The TC discussed David's proposals for table templates
    The TC unanimously agreed to David's 2nd proposal with the following 
    - The table:topleftcorner, etc. attributes will be called 
    table:top-begin-corner etc. The attribute's values will be "row" and 
    - Child elements <table:even-rows>, <table:odd-rows>, 
    <table:even-columns> and <table:odd-columns> will be added that allow 
    specifying alternating styles for rows and columns.
    - table templates will be located within the <style:master-styles> element.
    As clarified by Paul, XSL-FO does not support table border 
    specifications based on row and column groups (see 
    The TC further agreed to clarify the two concepts of table row and 
    column groups (see 
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200310/msg00006.html) in the 
    specification and to keep the table properties unchanged with the 
    exception of changes agreed so far.
    The TC started to discuss pages and page properties. It agreed to rename 
    the <style:page-master> element to <style:page-layout> to avoid 
    confusion with the <style:master-page> element.
    The TC further agreed to allow text documents to contain no paragraphs 
    but only frames. It further clarified that linked sections can be used 
    within text boxes to achieve that the text boxes have the same content.
    The TC started a discussion whether additional information than the 
    specification documents and minutes should be provided on the TC's web 
    page. Michael clarified that additional content for the web pages is 
    welcome. The discussion will be continued in the next meeting.
    New Action Items
    Michael Brauer
    OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair

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