OASIS Members:
The OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC has submitted the following specification, which is an approved Committee Specification, to be considered as an OASIS Standard:
Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.0
The text of the TC submission is appended.
You now have through 15 September to familiarize yourself with the submission and provide input to your organization's voting representative.
On 16 September, a Call For Vote will be issued to all Voting Representatives of OASIS member organizations. They will have until the last day of September, inclusive, to cast their ballots on whether this Committee Specification should be approved as an OASIS Standard or not.
In accordance with the OASIS Technical Committee Process, this Committee Specification has already completed the necessary 60-day public review period as noted in the submission below.
The normative TC Process for approval of Committee Specifications as OASIS Standards is found at:
Any statements related to the IPR of this specification are posted at:
Your participation in the review and balloting process is greatly appreciated.
Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
twitter: @fiberartisan #oasisopen
phone: 1.603.232.9090
(a) Links to the approved Committee Specification in the TC's document
repository, and any appropriate supplemental documentation for the
specification, both of which must be written using the OASIS templates.
The specification may not have been changed between its approval as a
Committee Specification and its submission to OASIS for consideration as
an OASIS Standard, except for the changes on the title page and running
footer noting the approval status and date.
We are requesting submission of the following KMIP V1.0 Committee
Specification to the Membership of OASIS for considerations as an OASIS
(b) The editable version of all files that are part of the Committee
The editable versions of the above documents are available at:
(c) Certification by the TC that all schema and XML instances included
in the specification, whether by inclusion or reference, including
fragments of such, are well formed, and that all expressions are valid;
The KMIP co-chairs certify that the KMIP V1.0 Specification document
to initiate a Special Majority Vote to approve the KMIP V1,0
Specification (see location above) as a Committee Specification. The
ballot started 7-June-2010 and ended 14-June-2010, with the following
In favor: 29 (100% of votes; 85% of eligible voters)
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 0
Did not vote: 4
In addition, the KMIP TC unanimously agreed on 10-June-2010 to request
the OASIS TC Admin to initiate a Special Majority Vote to request a vote
by the OASIS membership to approve the KMIP V1.0 Specification committee
specification as an OASIS Standard. The ballot started 30-June-2010 and
ended 7-July-2010., with the following results:
In favor: 31 (100% of votes; 91% of eligible voters)
Opposed: 0
Abstain: 0
Did not vote: 3
(i) An account of or pointer to votes and comments received in any
earlier attempts to standardize substantially the same specification,
together with the originating TC's response to each comment;
There were no earlier attempts to standardize this or any other KMIP
(j) A pointer to the publicly visible comments archive for the
originating TC;
The publicly visible comments archive for KMIP TC is available at
(k) A pointer to any minority reports delivered by one or more Members
who did not vote in favor of approving the Committee Specification,
which report may include statements regarding why the member voted
against the specification or that the member believes that Substantive
Changes were made which have not gone through public review; or
certification by the Chair that no minority reports exist.
The KMIP co-chairs certify that no minority reports exist.