OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Comment on cd-1 core

    Posted 09-18-2009 07:40
    Hello all,
    I just noticed that chapter 6 (page 75) starts with the sentence:
    > Editor note: This section has not received review from any xpath
    > experts and the TC has not yet discussed these issues. Errors here are
    > not unlikely.
    We should definitely not have this in the final version of the standard
    and we should do what Erik suggests here i.e. have an xpath expert look
    at it.
    Ludwig Seitz
    Ludwig Seitz, PhD             |   Axiomatics AB
    Training & Development        |   Electrum 223
    Phone: +46 (0)760 44 22 91    |   S-164 40 Kista, Sweden
    Mail: ludwig@axiomatics.com   |

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] Comment on cd-1 core

    Posted 09-18-2009 07:44
    Thanks for noticing this,
    We need to remove this statement. We were never able to find an xpath 
    expert, so I don't know what to do there.
    Best regards,
    Ludwig Seitz wrote:
    > Hello all,
    > I just noticed that chapter 6 (page 75) starts with the sentence:
    >> Editor note: This section has not received review from any xpath
    >> experts and the TC has not yet discussed these issues. Errors here are
    >> not unlikely.
    > We should definitely not have this in the final version of the standard
    > and we should do what Erik suggests here i.e. have an xpath expert look
    > at it.
    > Regards,
    > Ludwig Seitz