OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Proposed standing rules for creating New Proposals

  • 1.  Proposed standing rules for creating New Proposals

    Posted 07-17-2008 15:04

    This is the text we will be voting on on Monday's call.


    New Proposal Process (draft Standing Rules for OASIS ODF TC)

    1.        Any TC member may propose an addition or change to the current working draft of the ODF specification.
    2.        A TC member wishing to make a new Proposal (the Proposer) should first announce their intention to make a Proposal on the ODF TC's mailing list. Detail is not needed at this point, but such notification is recommended in order to let other interested TC members know that you are working in this area and to prevent duplication of effort.
    3.        The Proposer then shall fill out the New Proposal Form on the ODF TC's wiki, with details of the Proposal.
    4.        When the Proposal is ready for broader discussion within the TC, the Proposer shall post a link to the new proposal to the TC's mailing list to solicit feedback.
    5.        As it is discussed on the mailing list, TC members may propose changes. However, only the Proposer, and those whom he designates, may edit the proposal.
    6.        The Proposer controls the content of the Proposal and the pace at which the Proposal advances towards approval.
    7.        When the Proposer wishes for the Proposal to be discussed in a TC call, he shall notify the TC mailing list of this intent by the Wednesday prior to the Monday TC call on which he wishes to discuss the Proposal. No Proposal shall be voted on unless it formally meets the definition of "contribution" as defined by OASIS IPR Policy. A Proposal may be discussed on multiple TC calls.
    8.        When the Proposer wishes to have a vote to accept his Proposal, he shall notify the TC mailing list of this intent by the Wednesday prior to the Monday TC call on which he wishes to have the vote. No Proposal shall be voted on unless it has first been discussed on a previous TC call. Simple Majority Vote shall determine whether a Proposal is approved or not.
    9.        The TC Chairs shall be responsible for maintaining a record in the Proposal form, of when the proposal was initiated, when it was discussed on TC calls, when a vote was requested, when the vote was held, and the outcome of the vote.