OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

CD-1 issue #12: normative statement which allows anything

  • 1.  CD-1 issue #12: normative statement which allows anything

    Posted 09-11-2009 13:12
    The issue number refers to the XLS-sheet found in this email:
    The commenter points to the following text in the hierarchical profile:
    "The following sections describe RECOMMENDED representations for nodes 
    in hierarchical resources. Alternative representations of nodes in a 
    given resource are permitted so long as all Policy Administration Points 
    and all Policy Enforcement Points that deal with that resource have 
    contracted to use the alternative representation."
    He thinks this statement makes conformance statements to this profile 
    meaningless since in effect this normative statement allows the 
    implementation to do anything.
    I agree and I think we should remove this statement. The intent of it 
    has been to say that an implementation can do something else than to 
    follow the hierarchical profile. But that is already clear since 
    conformance to the hierarchical profile as a whole is optional for any 
    Best regards,