OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Should we hold our weekly call on November 3?

  • 1.  Should we hold our weekly call on November 3?

    Posted 10-28-2004 14:22
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Should we hold our weekly call on November 3?

    	as a number of people have conflicts or potential conflicts due to other meetings (WS-I being one) will we have enough people for a useful call?  Also due to the next 2 people on the rota being unable to host a volunteer to host?  I can make a call.  If you can definitely make a call please reply by close of business (US East Coast) Monday so I can post to the list Tuesday.
    Ian Jones
    Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
    Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com 

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