OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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  • 1.  Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-17-2022 21:23
    Greetings! (No, it's not Weds. but the day before the meeting. Sorry 'bout that.) A draft agenda for our TC call on Monday, 2022-07-18 Time of meeting: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=7&day=18&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=25&p2=37 The call counts towards voter eligibility. Teleconference Numbers - Access code: 438387 Canada - (use US number) Denmark - +45 78 77 25 34 Germany - +49 30 255550324 Hungary - +36 1 987 6874 The Netherlands - +31 6 35205016 United Kingdom - 44 330 777 2407 US (267) 807-9605 Chat room for meeting is at http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odf < http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odf > Please send comments to the mailing list. ------ 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights 2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda 3. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 11 July 2022 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/202207/msg00008.html 4. TC review of edits, Two edits suggested by Alfred (editors agree) https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4004 Appendix G ok Text has attribute of a draw element , issue has attribute of a <drawage> element. In TC discussions from 11/9/20 and 3/28/22 there is some confusion as to what this exactly should be. On 3/28/22 an assertion is made this should be <draw age>. In an email from the same day, Michael says i guess it should be "<draw:page> element . If <draw:page> is corrected, the text needs to be fixed. Schema No change found in schema, although from the text I wasn t expecting one. https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-1909 Appendix G ok Text svg:rx and svg:ry have not been added to draw:caption, draw:text-box, or office:annotation, contrary to the request in Issue 1909. Schema appears to not have been updated. 5. Editor's request: Closing issues on ODF 1.4. Previously have said that 1 June 2022 was that date. All issues; New + Open; fix version ODF 1.4 returns 32 issues. https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20OFFICE%20AND%20status%20in%20 (Open%2C%20New)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22ODF%201.4%22 Q1. Should we simply rev. all these issues to ODF-Later, subject to being reset to another target version of ODF? This means the editors have a stable text for a variety of processing and editing tasks, i.e., we can move more quickly when the text isn't changing underfoot. Q2. If Q1 is no, what is the best way to triage the issues to be included in ODF 1.4? At 32 issues, issue by issue discussion is a non-starter. 6. Office-4073 - correction of a correction: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4073 7. Office-4128 - https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4128 - Allow value "line" for "char" anchored objects in style:vertical-rel (20.398 ODF 1.3) 8. Color and Tone Adjustments specifications need to improve Regina has a test document, I'm still gathering random images off the web. 9. Issues open for ODF 1.4: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20OFFICE%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Open%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22ODF%201.4%22 10. Adjournment. Hope everyone is having a great week! Patrick -- Patrick Durusau patrick@durusau.net Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB) Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300 Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps) Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net Homepage: http://www.durusau.net Twitter: patrickDurusau Attachment: OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

  • 2.  Re: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-18-2022 15:53
    Hi all, Patrick Durusau schrieb am 17.07.2022 um 23:22: 5. Editor's request: Closing issues on ODF 1.4. Previously have said that 1 June 2022 was that date. All issues; New + Open; fix version ODF 1.4 returns 32 issues. https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20OFFICE%20AND%20status%20in%20 (Open%2C%20New)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22ODF%201.4%22 Q1. Should we simply rev. all these issues to ODF-Later, subject to being reset to another target version of ODF? This means the editors have a stable text for a variety of processing and editing tasks, i.e., we can move more quickly when the text isn't changing underfoot. Q2. If Q1 is no, what is the best way to triage the issues to be included in ODF 1.4? At 32 issues, issue by issue discussion is a non-starter. My opinion on Q1 is "no". Suggestion for Q2: We look whether the issue is ready to resolve, that is the proposal has new wording for the text and a schema diff and no current discussion. Label that issue with "ready to resolve". Label the other issues with "not ready". Continue in the next meetings with the "ready to resolve" ones. Attached is an issue list with a suggestion for reviewers. Kind regards, Regina Attachment: Review whether ready to resolve.ods Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

  • 3.  Re: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-18-2022 16:03
    Regina Henschel schrieb am 18.07.2022 um 17:52: next try Attachment: Review whether ready to resolve strict.ods Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

  • 4.  Re: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-18-2022 17:29
    Michael Bug OFFICE-4114 Trivial New patrick Part 4- Formula - has Appendix A, with A.1 but no A.2 - collapse under A trivial issue, ready to resolve - but there was a claim that ISO requires everything to be numbered - somebody would need to check that. Michael New Feature OFFICE-4073 Major Open regina.henschel Page-content-bottom vertical relation this is ready - it is already applied, Regina just reopened it because of a small problem, which must be fixed in 1.4 Michael New Feature OFFICE-3995 Major Open regina.henschel Allow native SVG instead of <office:binary-data> for images probably not ready Michael Improvement OFFICE-3944 Major Open patrick Proposal for new value of style:ruby-position not ready, but it doesn't look difficult Michael Improvement OFFICE-3926 Major Open regina.henschel Use of attribute style:list-style-name in connection with pure <text:h> element is unclear not ready Michael Improvement OFFICE-3854 Major Open tbehrens [graphic-properties] Proposal: different relative size relations not ready - this depend on OFFICE-4100 and then requires additional work (i found an old proposal from Regina in an email and have added a comment so it won't get lost) Michael Improvement OFFICE-3664 Major Open aguelzow Additional chart type: box plot not ready -- Michael Stahl Senior Software-Entwickler LibreOffice allotropia software GmbH Flachsland 10 22083 Hamburg Germany michael.stahl@allotropia.de https://www.allotropia.de Registered office: Hamburg, Germany Registration court Hamburg, HRB 165405 Managing director: Thorsten Behrens VAT-ID: DE 335606919

  • 5.  RE: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-18-2022 19:02
    Regarding OFFICE-4114, I have checked the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2. Section 22.3.3 deals with hanging paragraphs. My interpretation of this is that a paragraph, or sequence of paragraphs, is "hanging" if it is followed by a heading that is at a lower level than the heading that precedes it. Section 20.4 deals with the numbering and subdivision of Annexes. An Annex "may be subdivided into clauses, subclauses, paragraphs and lists". It doesn't say that an Annex has to be subdivided. I therefore conclude that an Annex (or Appendix) that contains only paragraphs and no subdivisions does not need a subdivision heading before the first paragraph. So, OFFICE-4114 can be resolved as proposed. Francis

  • 6.  Re: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-18-2022 20:16
    > Regina Bug OFFICE-4113 Minor New rcweir CLONE - Public Comment: [ODF 1.2] Comment missing, whether error values are propagated Not ready, but I have added a proposal so that it can easily be resolved for ODF 1.4. > Regina New Feature OFFICE-4030 Minor Open timar Bottom to top, left to right writing direction Not ready. Needs further discussion. > Regina Bug OFFICE-3955 Major Open patrick No default declared for chart:data-label-series boolean attribute Not ready. Ongoing discussion, which attributes need a default at all. But that discussion should be on the agenda. > Regina New Feature OFFICE-3887 Major Open vandenoever Add schematron that validates features that Relax NG cannot Not ready. Should be moved to ODF-later until someone is actually working on it. > Regina Improvement OFFICE-3847 Major Open svante.schubert Simplify Line Height handling Not ready. Ongoing discussion. Better move to ODF-Next. Ask Svante about moving. > Regina New Feature OFFICE-2119 Major Open rcweir Member Proposal: date axis on charts Not ready. Proposal need some fine tuning, but worth to have in ODF 1.4, because both Excel and LibreOffice Calc have such feature. > Regina Improvement OFFICE-3843 Major Open tbehrens [text] additional text-properties for extra border attributes Not ready. Details are not clear.

  • 7.  RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [office] Draft Agenda for July 18, 2022 - ODF TC Teleconference

    Posted 07-21-2022 23:31
    Alfred Improvement OFFICE-4100 Major Open patrick style:rel-height is applies only within frames - need broader applicability. ==> not ready, more discussion and comparison with Word behavior needed Alfred Bug OFFICE-4021 Minor Open patrick table:use-first-row-styles not available on <table:table-template>? ==> not ready, deprecation of table:first-row-end-column attribute might need to be revisited Alfred Improvement OFFICE-3939 Major Open regina.henschel draw:textarea-...-align (20.166,20.167) needs improvement ==> not ready, desired behavior unclear, no proposal Alfred Bug OFFICE-3880 Major Open aguelzow cell-content-is-between is underspecified ==> not ready, more discussion and evaluation of provided test cases required Alfred Bug OFFICE-3841 Minor Open regina.henschel The color mode "Watermark" makes images pale, not transparent ==> not ready, terminology unclear, multiple different implementation in LO, Calligra, MS Alfred Bug OFFICE-4024 Major Open patrick Conformance clause 2.2.1 D, D3 - w or w/o namespace the same? ==> ready, should just require a simple edit Alfred Bug OFFICE-3949 Major Open aguelzow LINEST: default value for arrayX underspecified ==> not ready, need to reconcile multiple different implementations Alfred