In the examples you give, are these PartyIds or are they the URL to which a
message is physically sent. I'm assuming the latter.
If so, then your suggestion works for the outbound message but I doesn't as
far as I can see work for *the return path* as the MSH returning the message
does not know which service sent the original message and therefore what it
should put on the end of the URL.
For example, if the outbound message was as follows ...
... then the only way the MSH sending the response to this message can know
what to put at the end of the URL is from the CPAId and the agreement that
was set up previously.
This means that you need separate CPAs for, in Use Case 1, the Buyer order
Management Service and the Price Query Service. I don't think this is right
as why should XYZ Co care which internal service made the request for a
Price Check.
... or am I missing something.