OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Issue 47: adding Schema@namespace attribute

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Issue 47: adding Schema@namespace attribute

    Posted 02-13-2002 19:07
    Process question: What does "Defer to 3.0" mean in the issues list David sent
    out the other day?  Has the group agreed already this shouldn't be in the 2.0
    version or is that just one opinion disagreeing with mine?
    Assuming it's the second, I'd like to point out the Schema@location attribute
    is not going to hold a value for an XSD schema that applications will
    recognize.  Pointing to the location of an XSD schema instance is very
    different from providing the name of that schema.  I raised these issues back
    at the end of November.
    At the very least, we need to describe how the Schema@location attribute might
    be used when referencing an actual schema.