OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Re: [xacml] subject attribute designator

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] subject attribute designator

    Posted 08-08-2002 15:09
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xacml] subject attribute designator

    Currently <SubjectMatch> element allows to match 1 attribute designator to 1
    attribute value.
    A sequence of subject-matches is interperted as 'and' between individual
    In the target we have another element <Subject> that wraps a sequence of
    A sequence of <Subject> elements in the target is intepreted as 'or'.
    So recursive example you give is semantically the same as my example.
    I'm beginning to think that this piece is a little bit overengineered.
    What if we define a <MatchType> that matches 1 attribute designator to 1
    attribute value.
    (I think we had this before f2f)
    Elements of <MatchType> are always enclosed in <Subject>, <Resource>, or
    <Action> elements. So
    matches within <Subject> are subject attribute matches, matches within
    resource are resoure
    attribute matches, etc.
    In the target we drop <Subjects> element and leave a sequence of <Subject>
    elements that in turn
    contain a sequence of matches. (Same for <Resources> and <Actions>)
    Sequence of <Subject> elements in the target is interpreted as 'or'.
    Sequence of subject mathes within
    individual <Subject> element is interpreted as 'and'. (Same for <Resource>
    seq and <Action> seq).
    SubjectAttributeDesignator will contain optional sequence of subject matches
    interperted as 'and' bettween
    individual matches.
    <Target> <-- note <Subjects> element gone.
            <SubjectMatch MatchId="string-equal"> <-- match 1 attr to 1 value
                <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="attrA"/>
            <SubjectMatch MatchId="string-equal"> <-- match 1 attr to 1 value
                <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="AttrB"/>
            <SubjectMatch MatchId="string-equal"> <-- match 1 attr to 1 value
                <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="AttrC"/>
        <Subject> <-- another subject, 'or' between <Subject> elements.
    <SubjectAttributeDesignator AttributeId="AttrA">
        <SubjectMatch MatchId="string-equal"> <-- 'and' between individual
            <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="AttrB"/>
        <SubjectMatch MatchId="string-equal">
            <AttributeDesignator AttributeId="AttrC"/>