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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 25 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting
Minutes for 25 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting
1. Roll call (quorum is 8)
* Bill Burcham YES
* Mavis Cournane no
* Mark Crawford no
* Fabrice Desr� no
* Arofan Gregory YES
* Jessica Glace YES
* Michael Grimley regrets
* Eduardo Gutentag YES
* Eve Maler YES
* Sue Probert regrets
* Lisa Seaburg regrets
* Gunther Stuhec no
* Paul Thorpe YES
* Kris Ketels no
* Jon Bosak (observer) YES
Quorum not achieved as of x:45. We proceeded informally, having
achieved "critical mass" (2/3 of quorum).
2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting
18 September 2002
3. Adoption of agenda
4. Schedule planning and prioritizing
A Local vs. global
A Code lists
A CCT module work
A Containership
B Referencing strategies
B Naming rules wrt CCTS V1.85
C Facet outreach
C Modnamver
C Embedded documentation
C ASN.1 schema
C Updating guiding principles
C Wildcards
C Nillability
C Instance constraints
Preliminary F2F agenda (**=our additions so far):
Tue Oct 1:
- 09h00-15h00: TC plenary
. If quorate: consideration of any procedural motions
. Brief SC updates (Maler, McGrath, Probert, Gregory, Bosak)
. CCTS update (Crawford)
. Discussion of role of CCTS in UBL
. Discussion of UN/CEFACT proposal
. Discussion of deliverable suite and schedule
**check on people's interest in group dinners
- 15h00-17h00: Joint NDR/LC session
. Coordinate schedules and topics
. Do some joint work
Wed Oct 2:
- 09h00-15h00: SC breakouts
**work down our list
**wrap up draft material and send to Bill/Kris?
- 15h00-17h00: Joint NDR/LC session
Thu Oct 3:
- 09h00-15h00: SC breakouts
**work down our list
**call Bill/Kris?
- 15h00-17h00: Joint NDR/LC session
Fri Oct 3:
- 09h00-12h00: SC breakouts
**work down our list
- 13h00-15h00: Joint NDR/LC session
- 15h00-17h00: TC plenary
. If quorate: consideration of any substantive motions
. Brief SC progress reports
. Planning and schedules through end of November
5. Review open action items
- Write content referencing paper.
- Send date/time NDR snippets to Mavis.
- With Arofan, prepare samples of how to handle second-tier
- Bring the donkey to Burlington!
- Update modnamver paper. (C)
- Start an email thread proposing a schema location solution. (C)
- Update the embedded documentation writeup.
6. Local unqualified vs. local qualified vs. global
Fabrice's position paper:
Bill's role model paper:
ACTION: Eve to ask Fabrice to develop toy examples.
7. Adjourn
Adjourned at y:00.
Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems cell +1 781 883 5917
XML Web Services / Industry Initiatives eve.maler @
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