CAP SC, Per our last meeting, I was tasked to request OASIS staff guidance regarding a collaborative tool we could use to solicit comments on specific CAP issues and still stay within the OASIS process. Scott McGrath offers the comments provided below. Cheers, Elysa From: Scott McGrath [mailto:] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 4:42 PM To: Elysa Jones Subject: Options to engage a broader community 1) A LinkedIn Group is the easiest way--people don't need to subscribe, conversations are more public so they draw in others much better than an OASIS -users or -implementers list, the interface is more visually engaging than an email list... The TC already has an open LinkedIn Group: OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Standards ...but it's not frequently used and it only has 94 members. Perhaps pushing, promoting and reinvigorating that will work Another approach would be to start a discussion (or several discussions) on one of the other LinkedIn Groups dedicated to Emergency Management. There are several to choose from. Many have more than 10,000 members (although many of those may not be interested in standards). Emergency Management and Homeland Security Professionals Disaster & Emergency Management Public Warning & Mass Notification System (MNS) Group Still another approach would be to contact one of the above LI Groups, and ask them to set up a subgroup for EDXL (or standards in general). Or contact those groups to publicize your group building efforts 2) We can set up a -users or -implementers list at OASIS. People will have to subscribe to post. Or we could reinvigorate the existing dev list at Summary - the challenge is not how to create a community tool, its creating the community. Scott... -- Scott McGrath COO Tel +1 781-425-5073 x202 Fax +1 781-425-5072 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook: