OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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XLIFF questionnaire results

  • 1.  XLIFF questionnaire results

    Posted 02-02-2010 10:21


  • 2.  RE: XLIFF questionnaire results

    Posted 02-02-2010 21:15

    Hi Dimitra,

    This is very informative. Sincere thanks to you and Reinhard for undertaking this task. The results are very interesting. Perhaps I'm slightly a victim of interpreting the results to suit my own biases, but the themes that I noticed to be consistent were: simplify; provide clear compliance specifications; retain the solid core - but jettison some of the complex, tool-specific fluff; and get the word out to tool-makers because more/consistent support is needed.

    I could almost imagine a subcommittee whose charter is: come up with a specific recommendation to the TC on how to. . .

    " simplify / provide compliance spec / jettison fluff / inform tool-makers "

    I look forward to how other interprate these results.

    Thanks so much for this work, and for sharing,


    From: Dimitra.Anastasiou [mailto:dimitra.anastasiou@ul.ie]
    Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:25 AM
    To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [xliff] XLIFF questionnaire results

    Dear members of the XLIFF TC,

    I conducted an XLIFF questionnaire and I am attaching both the questionnaire and its results. The file consists of 8 sheets corresponding to the 8 questions of the questionnaire.

    I am not good at all at presenting statistics, so, any suggestions about how and where this can be used are welcome.

    There are some good thoughts in sheets 6 and 7.



    Dimitra Anastasiou, PhD

    Post-doc Researcher


    email: Dimitra.Anastasiou@ul.ie

    SKYPE: dimitraanas

    Localisation Research Centre: http://www.localisation.ie

    Centre for Next Generation Localisation: http://www.cngl.ie/

  • 3.  XLIFF Symposium

    Posted 02-10-2010 14:04
      |   view attached


    OrganisationEmail.doc   35 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: XLIFF Symposium

    Posted 02-15-2010 04:56
    Lucia and Dimitra,
    This looks very exciting. I will support this in any way I can. I will put this on the XLIFF meeting agenda so see if we can get some of these items acted upon.  Thank to the two of you, and Reinhard for making this happen.
    - Bryan
    From: Lucia.Morado [lucia.morado@ul.ie]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5:59 AM
    To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [xliff] XLIFF Symposium
    Dear TC members,
    We would like to ask for your collaboration in the organisation of the 1st International XLIFF Symposium.
    We welcome any suggestions, so please contact us if you have any idea on this matter.
    Here are some points we would like to address:
    1. Agree on the name of the event: “First International XLIFF Symposium”.
    2. Establish a scientific committee who will be reviewing the papers and decide the main topic directions of the symposium. If you are interested in taking part of the scientific committee, please send us an email indicating your interest.
    3. Decide the topic for the “call for papers”. Some proposals:
     1.  Present and future of XLIFF
     2.  Implementation of XLIFF in commercial tools
     3.  Relation with other standards
     4.  Case studies
     5.  XLIFF from the user point of view
     6.  XLIFF in OS projects
     7.  XLIFF 2.0
     8.  Authoring for XLIFF - OAXAL and internationalisation
     9.  Support for the process of translation through XLIFF
     10. Integration of terminology and translation memory into XLIFF
     11. XLIFF beyond description - representing action in digital products
     12. XLIFF-TMX-MLIF interaction
    3. Keynote speaker. Maybe Bryan Schnabel (chair of the TC)?
    Here is the schedule to organize the symposium:
    Until 20th Feb.
    Organise the scientific committee and decide the topics for the call for papers.
    20th Feb to 28th Feb.
    The webpage will be created and tested.
    1st March
    We launch the call for papers. The deadline for papers is 15th May.
    15th May  to 1st July
    Review of the proposals and preparation of the programme.
    15th July
    The final programme is announced. Final webpage is launched.
    22nd September
    The symposium takes place!
    We would like to thank you in advance for your collaboration in this event.
    Dimitra and Lucía