Sander & Theo: I encourage keeping the TC alive, given that its products are in use and I am all for your reappointment as co-chairs of the TC. Thanks for all your efforts on it ! - Jacques On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 3:56 AM Sander Fieten < > wrote: Hi fellow ebMS TC members, As you may already be aware, OASIS has agreed on new rules regarding the TC process. Part of these new rules includes a "TC Vitality check (see section 1.10 of the TC Process ) which requires each TC to decide every 4 years to review its charter and decide how to continue. In addition the TC should either appoint new or reappoint the current chair or chairs (see section 1.4 of the TC Operation Process ) on a bi-annual basis. Although the current TC is not very active, Theo and I have agreed together with TC Admin that it would be useful to keep the TC running as the use of the AS4 Standard is increasing. We believe that it would therefore be important to have a specific TC available to handle any questions or issues that may arise from the increased usage of the standards. We have reviewed the TC's current charter to see if it still meets the necessary requirements. The current charter is very old ( 20 yrs) but it still covers the current activities, yet could be improved as follows: Replace version 1.0 with version 3.0; Include the AS4 Profile in the list of deliverables; and Remove the initial outdated schedule; and therefore propose the following changes to the charter: Remove the last sentence of the section "Statement of Purpose"; Replace the first deliverable with: address maintenance issues that may arise in the implementation of ebXML Messaging Service Specification Version 3.0; address maintenance issues that may arise in the implementation of AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0; and develop revision releases with the aim of clarifying and modernising the existing specifications should this become necessary; Remove all text after the list of deliverables. We will ask TC Admin to setup a Special Majority Vote for the TC to approve these changes and get our charter up to date. With this email we also invite members to propose themselves as candidates for the position of chair and/or co-chair of the TC. The call for candidates will end on 24th of March. As both Theo and I are happy to continue as co-chairs of the TC we hereby propose ourselves for reappointment as co-chairs of the TC. Best regards, Sander and Theo