Any before Stephen gets to it first, let me say "Yes, I do mean 2009".
Damn cut & paste errors...
-Rob wrote on 03/19/2009 02:09:42 PM:
> From:
> To:
> Date:
> 03/19/2009 02:10 PM
> Subject:
> [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Agenda March 23th, 2008
> OASIS OpenDocument TC
> The OpenDocument Technical Committee will have its next TC Coordination
> Call on Monday, March the 23th, at 1400 GMT (7am PDT, 10am EDT, 3pm CET,
> 10pm China).
> The call counts towards voter eligibility.
> The dial-in information is:
> Participant Passcode: 9858703
> Dial-In Numbers, local (paid) / toll-free
> Brazil: - / 0800-8911987
> China: - / 10800-712-1433 + 10800-120-1433
> France: 33-1-70-70-74-20 / 080-563-9647
> Germany: 49-69-2222-2566 / 0800-000-3441
> Netherlands: 31-20-718-8533 / 0800-020-1392
> Russia: - / 8-10-8002-9683011
> South Africa - / 080-09-80416
> United Kingdom: 44-20-7075-3246 / 0808-238-6025
> USA: 1-203-418-3122 / 866-692-3163
> Please contact Michael Brauer if you want to dial-in from a country not
> listed above.
> Press *6 to mute/unmute line
> Chat room for meeting is at:
> Agenda
> ------
> 1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights
> 2. Approval of the Agenda
> 3. Approval of Minutes from March 16th meeting:
> 4. European Daylight Savings Time change and impact on meeting time.
> 5. ODF 1.2 Progress
> 6. Further processing of public comments
> 7. Adjournment
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: