OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Re: [xliff] Mime type values

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] Mime type values

    Posted 02-25-2003 16:48
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] Mime type values

    I think the following fulfills the requirement the TC asked me to solve this
    morning regarding mimetype, and optional subtypes.
    Note; I took a look at the "purpose" model. I like it, but concluded it
    would not fit this requirement (this is different because we want to allow
    any one item from an enumerated list, with an optional "/. . ." pattern
    concatenated to it). 
    So I could only come up with the regular expression approach (though I think
    this will be easy enough to maintain, as long as the list of media types
    remains manageable).
    <xsd:simpleType name="mime-typeValueListBlock">
     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    If we then change the mime-type attributes to this:
    <xsd:attribute name="mime-type" type="xlf:mime-typeValueListBlock" . . .
    The XSD correctly validates these samples:
    But rejects these samples:
    mime-type="image gif"
    The regular expression approach also allows mime-typeValueListBlock to be
    added to the datatypeValueList union. 
    (I investigated a somewhat complex union of enumerations and simpletypes,
    but ran into limitations having to do with atomic and list type restrictions
    -- I'd be happy to elaborate off line to any one interested in the details).
    Please let me know if you think I should push a bit harder on the
    mime-typeValueList, or if there might be a better approach.