OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Bilbiography Configuration

  • 1.  Bilbiography Configuration

    Posted 10-24-2003 15:40
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Bilbiography Configuration

    Unfortunately, we forgot to describe the bibliography configuration in 
    the OOo spec. Here's what it does:
    The bibliography configuration is contained in the document's style 
    section. It contains essentially two bibliography-specific information 
    items, namely 1) how an entry is displayed in-line, and 2) how entries 
    are put into the bibliography index.
    The first item is handled by prefix and suffix strings, and boolean 
    value for numbering. With prefix and suffix "[" and "]" a bibliography 
    item "Abc123" would be displayed as "[Abc123]" in the document body. The 
    boolean entry for numbering determines whether a bibliography entrie's 
    short form or a number is used to identify the entry. In the former case 
    an entry would be [5], in the latter it would be [abc123], provided the 
    entry has a short name of abc123.
    The second item contains primarily the sorting information for the 
    bibliography entries. Entries can be sorted eitehr by document position 
    (in particular useful for numbered entries), or by an arbitrary 
    selection of entry fields, e.g. author name or publication date. The 
    collating order for entries is determined by the triplet 
    language/country/sort-algorithm. The latter is not usually used for 
    European languages, but is a necessity for some Asian languages that 
    have no 'natural' order for their ideographic characters. In such 
    countries, different sorting algorithms (e.g. by pronounciation) may be 
    in use.
    <!ELEMENT text:bibliography-configuration (text:sort-key)*>
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration text:prefix %string; #IMPLIED>
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration text:suffix %string; #IMPLIED>
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration text:numbered-entries 
    %boolean; "false">
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration text:sort-by-position 
    %boolean; "true">
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration fo:language %string; #IMPLIED>
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration fo:country %string; #IMPLIED>
    <!ATTLIST text:bibliography-configuration text:sort-algorithm %string; 
    <!ELEMENT text:sort-key EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST text:sort-key text:key ( address | annote | author |
            bibliography-type | booktitle | chapter | custom1 | custom2 |
            custom3 | custom4 | custom5 | edition | editor | howpublished |
            identifier | institution | isbn | journal | month | note | number |
            organizations | pages | publisher | report-type | school | series |
            title | url | volume | year ) #REQUIRED>
    <!ATTLIST text:sort-key text:sort-ascending %boolean; "true">

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