/ "Ram Kumar" <rkumar@msi.com.au> was heard to say:
| for name and address and has been quite successful. I have infact spoken
| to you personally last year at XML 2000 conference and did send you a couple
| of e-mails quite a while ago (about 9 months ago) on an opportunity for
| DocBook to re-use the Name and address standard as there was a need for one. But
| there was no response from your end to my e-mails.
My sincerest apologies if I failed to reply. I do recall the mail and
spent some time considering the xNAL markup.
Personally, I'm afraid that xNAL may be far richer than our needs for
DocBook. Where xNAL is concerned with CIQ, DocBook needs personal name
markup almost exclusively for bibliographic citations (author and
editor names, for example). Similarly, for addresses, our needs appear
to be no where near as complex.
| I am keen to know whether your committee can have a look at the name
| and address DTD (xNAL) that our committee has developed and see how
| it can be plugged into your DocBook. I am sure this will add more
I have added a review of xNAL to the agenda of our next regular
meeting (18 Dec 2001).
Be seeing you,
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Some people can stay longer in an
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | hour than others can in a week
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |