Dear friends,
I thank you so much for your work and synergy which lead into a
successfull UBL workshop we can now consider a first good step for an
italian UBL adoption.
There have been a *very* good feed-back from Public Administration for
both e-Government and e-Procurement.
Thank you to Tim McGrath and Ole Madsen to give us an international view
of UBL adoption and knowledge of best practices.
We expecially appreciated the synergy between AssoCertificatori
(Certification Authority Association), CNIPA (National Centre for IT of
P.A.) and our UBL ITLSC which made possible have the Advanced Electronic
Signature (XAdES) be applied to the UBL 2.0 Invoice.
I am happy to say UBL ITLSC has been recognized as the national reference
point for UBL and this means we will be probably involved on the future
UBL national adoptions.
Thank you to FTI (Italian Technology Forum) and the ENEA body (National
Body for New Technologies Energy and Environment) as they played a *key*
role in all the workshop organization thanks to their precious experience
and market knowledge.
Our workshop material will be available soon on both UBL ITLSC official
site and the initiative.
The XAdES signature work could be later candidated to the UBL SSC support
page too.
Thanks again for your effort !
Best regards,
Roberto Cisternino