UBL Chinese Localization SC

Groups - Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0 (Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0.doc) uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0 (Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0.doc) uploaded

    Posted 05-10-2005 07:05
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ubl-cnlsc message

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    Subject: Groups - Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0 (Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0.doc) uploaded

    This document describes the approaches how DTTN may handle code lists. In
    summary, this document recommends DTTN stores the codelists externally,
    e.g. in the database, and code values in instance documents are validated
    by DTTN applications (instead of being validated by XML Schema when
    instance documents are parsed).
    This document also proposes how to address the problem that the Amount,
    Quantity, and Measure CCTs do not contain sufficient supplementary
    components (e.g. codeListID) to specify a (private) code list that is not
    recommended in CCTS. (The Code CCT contains more supplementary components
    than the above CCTs.) E.g. one may want to use a priviate code list rather
    than REC20 for a Measure CCT.
     -- Mr Thomas Lee
    The document named Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0
    (Proposed DTTN Code List Implementation Approach v1.0.doc) has been
    submitted by Mr Thomas Lee to the UBL Chinese Localization SC document
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    -OASIS Open Administration

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