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Subject: Minutes of the Manhattan UBL TC meeting 23-27 January 2006
Hello UBL TC,
Here are the minutes of the Eighteenth UBL TC Meeting, held at Sun
Microsystems offices in Manhattan 23-27 January 2006. As usual,
plenaries with phone access were held every morning, but in a
departure from our usual format, the closing plenary was held
Thursday, and Friday morning was used for an additional work
session. Only the plenaries are minuted.
Participants at the meeting are requested to review these minutes
at their earliest opportunity and to respond with corrections if
any are seen to be necessary.
Jon Bosak
Note that attendance during any plenary call counts as
attendance at the meeting for membership purposes.
Members attending in person:
Peter Borresen MTuWTh
Jon Bosak (chair) MTuWTh
Mavis Cournane MTuWTh
Stephen Green MTuWTh
Mike Grimley MTuWTh
Betty Harvey MTuWTh
Kim, Sung Hyuk MTuWTh
Mark Leitch MTuWTh
Andy Schoka MTuWTh
Paul Thorpe MTuWTh
Sylvia Webb MTuWTh
Observers attending in person:
Michael Onder MTu
Members attending by phone:
Anne Hendry MTuW
Mikkel Brun MTu
Ken Holman WTh
Kumar Sivaraman M
Tim McGrath M
Bryan Rasmussen TuW
Observers attending by phone:
Tim Benson M
The group was quorate (or as we like to say, "dangerous") for
all of the plenary sessions, which means that the agreements
noted below constitute formal resolutions of the TC.
SBSC report
AGREED that we are targeting CS as end state for 1.0 SBS.
ACTION: JB to rezip the UBL 1.0 SBS and submit for public
review next week.
UK report
KRLSC report
Danish report
Appointment of UBL TC Secretary
AGREED to appoint Zarella Rendon UBL TC Secretary for site
maintenance, membership tracking, and license management.
AGREED that in the future we will generate the stripped
schemas in the xsdrt directory as part of EDIFIX schema
creation rather than producing the xsdrt versions from the
full schemas using a perl script.
Customization and profiling
ACTION: BR to draft a proposal for an "extension" element,
including namespace management, recommended practices, and
guidelines for what should be validated in .xsd and what
should be validated in .sch; target for proposed .xsd ANY
and extensions: prior to the Atlantic TC call 8 February.
AGREED to follow up on the idea expressed as "standardize in
.xsd, customize in .sch".
[Note below that JB has been assigned the task of drafting a
customization document later on based on this discussion and
the extension proposal.]
We note the issue regarding the explosion of XPaths in the
2.0 PRD. We need to look for inadvertent nesting. Perhaps
Cheekai has code that can help find the problem.
ACTION: JB to point Cheekai to Ken's message:
ACTION: GKH to upload the XPath analysis of
OrderCancellation to help demonstrate the problem.
HISC issue: UNLK surrogates
ACTION: SG to provide HISC with pointers to a few good books
containing samples of paper documents from which we can
synthesize UNLK-like layouts for the UBL 2.0 documents that
don't have official UNLK equivalents.
Code lists
We reviewed Ken's proposal for code list value validation:
AGREED to accept the proposal.
We note that Section 7.1 of Ken's proposal exposes some
difficulties regarding the naming of code list metadata info
ACTION: MartyB and TonyC to review the issues raised in 7.1
and propose a revised set of metadata names, keeping within
the spirit of the current naming conventions and best
ACTION: GKH to write another post on this question as input
to MartyB and TonyC.
AGREED to adopt the general principle that structure and
vocabulary are schema-validated in a first pass, while
values and business rules are schematron-validated in a
second pass. We note that the second (schematron) pass
won't work without the first (schema) pass.
Advantages: Cleanly externalizes code lists; streamlines
code list management; does a much better job of
value-checking than schema validation alone; recognizes that
real-world applications always have to do further value
checking beyond schema validation anyway; provides a
powerful and flexible approach to meeting the user
requirements for code list customization; provides a
standards-based platform for additional user-specified
business rule checking using schematron.
Disadvantage: Current tools (XMLSpy, Tibco, WebMethods, ...)
are not currently set up for two-pass validation. However,
the schemas we supply will continue to work with these
tools, and we are committed to supplying scripts that will
perform both levels of validation using free software.
Issue: We have agreed to use the ATG2 UDT schema, and this
commits us to including the ATG2 enumerated code list values
for four standard code lists. We now believe that schema
validation is the wrong place to do value checking, and
continuing to use the ATG2 UDT will deprive our users of the
ability to extend the four code lists enumerated therein.
We note that the problem is conformance to ATG2 UDT, not
conformance to CCTS.
(At this point we recessed for a couple of hours to allow
the NDR team to evaluate possible ways around this problem.
The team reported back that they could not see any workable
alternatives beyond either (a) accepting the ATG2 UDT and
documenting the restriction this puts on users or (b)
reversing the decision to use the ATG2 UDT.)
AGREED that in the interests of convergence we will stand by
our decision to import the ATG2 UDT, despite the fact that
we believe it to be the wrong approach to code list
management, and will document the negative consequences of
adopting the ATG2 UDT schema for the information of users.
AGREED that we will not provide any other value enumerations
in our schemas.
AGREED that all code lists with known values will be
provided as XML instances using the genericode schema.
AGREED that we will continue to use UBL 1.0 names for code
list metadata information items and will adopt the mapping
of genericode metadata to UBL 1.0 metadata already worked
out by GKH in his proposal.
AGREED that these decisions will be reflected in the NDRs.
AGREED that no code list supplementary component attributes
will use FIXED.
Support for UBL 2.0 implementers
We arrived at the following preliminary outline for UBL 2.0
support materials. This is still subject to revision. Note
the embedded action items.
Standalone supporting specifications
Owners: MG and MC
Checklist by end of Feb (note schema gen dependency)
Doc done by end of March
Schema/NDR Q/A by end of initial public review
Code list methodology specification (for 2.0)
Owner: GKH
Dependency on a sample instance
ACTION: SG to have sample done by 13 Feb
Done (then) by 20 Feb
Association transformation script
Genericode (subset) spec
ACTION: GKH and TonyC to tell us timeline
Customization guidelines
Owners: A group that includes MG, MC, BR
Start customization in April, finish in May (before
Would help to have a strawman before April
ACTION: JB to prepare a strawman by end of March
2.0 SBS
Owner: SG (with help from GKH)
Dependency 1: revised content and schemas
Dependency 2: ebBP and CPP/A
Initial pkg using current content for an initial review:
end of Feb
Second (complete) pkg: mid-June (12 June); changes to
2.0 may force further revision
The Support Package
Code list support
Owner: GKH
Genericode versions of all the referenced 2.0 code lists
Timing dependency on result of initial public review
(need to know the code values and related metadata)
Default code list association file(s)
Default .sch assertion file(s)
Default XSLT validation file(s)
Timing: completion of values/metadata + three weeks
Pointers to UML and EF data models
Danish use cases and example instances
Owner: PB
Finished by CEFACT meeting in Vancouver (mid-March)
Sample business rules expressed in .sch
Owner: PB
Finished by end of May
Output formatting specifications (may not include all doctypes)
Owners: HISC (GHK and ZR, possible DK consultant)
Timeline: 8 doc types, end of Feb; cutoff end of May
Dependency: mid-April cutoff for all layouts;
sample instances from SBS now; examples from DK assumed
by mid-March
Stylesheets at same time as completion of formatting specs
Input mapping and XForms
Owner: BR
Timeline: don't know; will start right away;
cutoff end of may
Model UBL contract (U.S.)... including CL associations
Owner: JB
Cutoff: end of May
Fiscal accreditation of UBL 2.0 (UK) (an endorsement)
Owner: ML will find out by 15 Feb whether is possible
Later standalone products (after October 2006)
NDR (as a Standard)
User's Guide to UBL practice
Implementer's Guide to UBL practice
Taxation guidelines for invoice (a piece of the above)
First draft after Feb Tax XML TC meeting in London
(including possible content review feedback)
Possible second draft in June (if many questions from TC)
Timing: content dependency
Guidelines for other documents that have tax implications
(credit note, debit note, self-billed invoice,
self-billed credit note, purchase order)
Other subsets
Issues list access and maintenance
AGREED that we will password-protect the issues input form
(TC members can use the form, but all others must use the
OASIS public comment form). There will be a column/field
for category (NDR, PSC, TSC, HISC, SBS1, SBS2, Code lists)
and another one for priority (bug, missing functionality,
new requirements (RFEs)). We will try to process issues as
they come in, with those clearly belonging to PSC handled by
PSC, etc., and preliminary dispositions recorded in a
separate resolution list.
Work/meeting schedule
We note that the week of 8 May is a trade show week in
ACTION: JB to ask CEN for advice on the hotel situation.
AGREED that Mavis Cournane will chair the meeting in
AGREED to add a TC meeting 14-18 August 2006 in Montreal and
move the Singapore meeting to November, say the week of 6
November. The August meeting will focus on the following:
- Where we are with the UN/CEFACT transition
- What practical steps are needed to effect a transition
- If we can't make the transition, formation of a Plan B
- If we can make the transition, how to maintain UBL 2
- Possible actions required by UBL 2 OASIS Standardization
ACTION: JB to find a host and facilities in Montreal,
beginning with McGill University.
TC conference calls during the public review period
AGREED to devote the second half of Atlantic TC calls to NDR
work, using this slot for code list work as needed.
AGREED to hold regular PSC, TSC, HISC, and SBSC calls during
the public review period.
NDR progress report
The NDR editors have reviewed the issues raised by SW on the
issues list, finished updating the rules, and added a
section on QDT. They are now half done generating the
checklist, after which they will begin a review of the PRD
schemas against the NDRs. They believe that the NDR
document is stable and complete with the exception of issues
that arise in schema/NDR Q/A.
Issue: We decided long ago that acronyms had to be approved
by the TC as a whole, but we don't have a process for such
approval. Example: GUID.
ACTION: PSC and TSC to produce a list of new acronyms (i.e.,
acronyms used in PSC and TSC content that are not on the
list at the end of the 1.0 NDR) so that the TC can
approve/disapprove them. Deadline: end of February.
ACTION: JB to find out which of GUID and UUID is an open
Content team progress report
Completed the Tax XML spreadsheet. About 20 percent done
with the Danish scenarios and have uncovered a number of
issues for the issues list in the process. Have formed a
proposal for documenting business rules (i.e., preparing
implementation guidelines); BH will make a schema for this.
ACTION: DK to appoint someone to coordinate with Carol Geyer
at OASIS regarding marketing/publicity around
- Releases
- Approval as an OASIS Standard
- Marketing after release as an OASIS Standard
AGREED that the dormant MSC will meet in Montreal to restart
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