Minutes of the UBL Payments and Finance Subcommittee 20 September 2017 14:30UTC AGENDA: 1. Roll call - Kenneth Bengtsson - Todd Albers - Erlend Klakegg Bergheim - G. Ken Holman (secretary) 2. Outreach and liaisons with relevant workgroups - the US Fed has published a new update to the next steps in payments and improvements - interested in supporting an industry-led interoperability framework for invoicing, payments and remittances -
https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/wp-content/uploads/next-step-payments-journey.pdf - public web cast through:
https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/ - 3-year time-frame to develop this framework - Ken has posted his own observations regarding this: -
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/us-federal-reserve-looking-next-steps-e-invoicing-xml-ken-holman 3. Deliverables to the UBL TC and to UBL 2.3: a) Tradable invoice document / Bill of exchange - thought has been put towards the semaphore concept of locking a document but nothing successful in working with a standalone document; something definitive has to be outside of the document itself - we will need information in the document to reference some kind of outside semaphore mechanism b) Remittance Advice - Business Payments Coalition will be convening in October a working group for defining a Remittance Advice for credit card payments -
https://fedpaymentsimprovement.org/payments-efficiency/business-payments-coalition/ c) Identification of other Payfin work products - no others at this time (lots of time to think of new ones) 4. Meeting schedule - next meeting 04 October 2017 14:30UTC 5. Any other business - none -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc.
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