OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] RE: EDXL-HAVE spec questions

    Posted 03-01-2010 14:42
    I am not at a computer right now - but I cannot stress enough that this is
    NOT about the examples.  The SChema no longer allows Triage Codes the way
    they are outlined in the spec....
    > Elysa,   This illustrates why it is a very bad idea to put example XML in
    > the specification.  Sigh.     OASIS needs to stop doing this - and make
    > examples external to the document - in the same way as XSD artifacts are.
    >  Please tell them to go with what the xsd Schema is telling them the XML
    > should be - and NOT the specification examples.   On their second point -
    > Bed capacities - I too had puzzled over a good way to use this.  I agree
    > with their call to use only BedType and ignore SubCategoryBedType.   It
    > may help them to quickly load the EDXL schema into the CAM toolkit
    > (sourceforge.net/projects/camprocessor) and then generate XML examples and
    > documentation - so they can construct the exchange XML that they need.
    > =====================================================   "It only allows
    > zero or more  elements, followed by zero or more  elements, followed by
    > zero or more  elements.
    > I can't figure out how to properly represent or interpret bed capacities
    > in this structure.  Can you advise on the correct method?  If it is true
    > that this just doesn't work as intended, should we decide to use only  and
    > avoid the use of  in the EDXL-HAVE Haiti Profile?"
    >  Thanks, DW      

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] RE: EDXL-HAVE spec questions

    Posted 03-01-2010 16:58
    I'm afraid that as TC Administrator I must jump in here. There were no changes made to the schema as part of the Errata (that is, no new copy of schema files were delivered as part of the errata review or called out in the review notice); in fact, changing the schema would, in the vast majority of cases, be a substantive change and therefore require a new version of the specification be produced, rather than an errata. 
    Examples are non-normative; the schema itself was not incorporated into the specification, so only the standalone version exists. 
    Whatever changes you make and deliver it must be noted that they are not in conformance with the specification as it currently exists, but that (hopefully) the TC will be taking the necessary action to rectify the problems that have been discovered.
    Mary P McRae
    Director, Standards Development
    Technical Committee Administrator
    OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org 
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    twitter: @fiberartisan  #oasisopen
    phone: 1.603.232.9090
    Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
    On Mar 1, 2010, at 9:41 AM, ltincher@evotecinc.com wrote:
    > I am not at a computer right now - but I cannot stress enough that this is
    > NOT about the examples.  The SChema no longer allows Triage Codes the way
    > they are outlined in the spec....
    > Thanks,
    > Lee
    >> Elysa,   This illustrates why it is a very bad idea to put example XML in
    >> the specification.  Sigh.     OASIS needs to stop doing this - and make
    >> examples external to the document - in the same way as XSD artifacts are.
    >> Please tell them to go with what the xsd Schema is telling them the XML
    >> should be - and NOT the specification examples.   On their second point -
    >> Bed capacities - I too had puzzled over a good way to use this.  I agree
    >> with their call to use only BedType and ignore SubCategoryBedType.   It
    >> may help them to quickly load the EDXL schema into the CAM toolkit
    >> (sourceforge.net/projects/camprocessor) and then generate XML examples and
    >> documentation - so they can construct the exchange XML that they need.
    >> =====================================================   "It only allows
    >> zero or more  elements, followed by zero or more  elements, followed by
    >> zero or more  elements.
    >> I can't figure out how to properly represent or interpret bed capacities
    >> in this structure.  Can you advise on the correct method?  If it is true
    >> that this just doesn't work as intended, should we decide to use only  and
    >> avoid the use of  in the EDXL-HAVE Haiti Profile?"
    >> Thanks, DW      

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] RE: EDXL-HAVE spec questions

    Posted 03-01-2010 17:07
    Thanks Mary for the comment.  The TC will be 
    addressing this situation right away. Elysa
    At 10:57 AM 3/1/2010, Mary McRae wrote:
    >I'm afraid that as TC Administrator I must jump 
    >in here. There were no changes made to the 
    >schema as part of the Errata (that is, no new 
    >copy of schema files were delivered as part of 
    >the errata review or called out in the review 
    >notice); in fact, changing the schema would, in 
    >the vast majority of cases, be a substantive 
    >change and therefore require a new version of 
    >the specification be produced, rather than an errata.
    >Examples are non-normative; the schema itself 
    >was not incorporated into the specification, so 
    >only the standalone version exists.
    >Whatever changes you make and deliver it must be 
    >noted that they are not in conformance with the 
    >specification as it currently exists, but that 
    >(hopefully) the TC will be taking the necessary 
    >action to rectify the problems that have been discovered.
    >Mary P McRae
    >Director, Standards Development
    >Technical Committee Administrator
    >OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
    >email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    >web: www.oasis-open.org
    >twitter: @fiberartisan  #oasisopen
    >phone: 1.603.232.9090
    >Standards are like parachutes: they work best when they're open.
    >On Mar 1, 2010, at 9:41 AM, ltincher@evotecinc.com wrote:
    > > I am not at a computer right now - but I cannot stress enough that this is
    > > NOT about the examples.  The SChema no longer allows Triage Codes the way
    > > they are outlined in the spec....
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > Lee
    > >
    > >> Elysa,   This illustrates why it is a very bad idea to put example XML in
    > >> the specification.  Sigh.     OASIS needs to stop doing this - and make
    > >> examples external to the document - in the same way as XSD artifacts are.
    > >> Please tell them to go with what the xsd Schema is telling them the XML
    > >> should be - and NOT the specification examples.   On their second point -
    > >> Bed capacities - I too had puzzled over a good way to use this.  I agree
    > >> with their call to use only BedType and ignore SubCategoryBedType.   It
    > >> may help them to quickly load the EDXL schema into the CAM toolkit
    > >> (sourceforge.net/projects/camprocessor) and then generate XML examples and
    > >> documentation - so they can construct the exchange XML that they need.
    > >> =====================================================   "It only allows
    > >> zero or more  elements, followed by zero or more  elements, followed by
    > >> zero or more  elements.
    > >>
    > >> I can't figure out how to properly represent or interpret bed capacities
    > >> in this structure.  Can you advise on the correct method?  If it is true
    > >> that this just doesn't work as intended, should we decide to use only  and
    > >> avoid the use of  in the EDXL-HAVE Haiti Profile?"
    > >> Thanks, DW