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Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
Title: Message
I am not suggesting that the Consumer is not
allowed to change JavaScript, rather the suggestion is that
we wouldn't assume that it should. To me, that's because correctly
analyzing code constructs (in any language) without executing them is anywhere
from hard (from a practical perspective) to impossible (from a theoretical
perspective, as Theory of Computation shows).
This is not to say that WSIA can't define an interface
that uses JavaScript (e.g., I assume the committee may decide to define
JavaScript functions, events, etc.), but I guess that the question is can we
require the Consumer to analyze JavaScript code to support action
routing, for example?
Customization is
definitely something that we will be discussing in the Customization
sub-committee. My working assumption is that the
requirement below is rather generic, and applies to anywhere from the
scope of WSIA in general, to action routing, unique tokens, etc., and that it might be changed as the Customization
sub-committee proceeds.