OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Groups - DITA 1.1 Issue #40 (IssueNumber40.html) modified

  • 1.  Groups - DITA 1.1 Issue #40 (IssueNumber40.html) modified

    Posted 09-06-2005 18:25
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    Subject: Groups - DITA 1.1 Issue #40 (IssueNumber40.html) modified

    This proposal was approved at the 8/30/05 meeting:
    - #40 keyref architecture
    Michael Priestley -- Existing proposal -- use existing
    keyref attr and design the syntax for it. Allow same syntax
    to occur in href. New architecture -- Define keys attr in
    topicRef. Map can use keys attr to re-mount a key value. Map
    can assign key to a particular topic. 
    For different processing contexts you can slap in a
    different map and resolve to a different topic. Provides
    flexibility for resolving dangling references. 
    (MP mentioned Paul Prescods concern) -- Implementing this
    in an editor. Editor would need map values to resolve at
    authoring time? 
    PP -- My concerns dont argue against design of actual
    Don -- Functional capability of keyref is not there yet. We
    need definition of how to do that -- .e.g. connect citations
    to their bibliograhic sources. 
    Approved for 1.1
     -- Seraphim Larsen
    Information about the document named DITA 1.1 Issue #40
    (IssueNumber40.html) has been modified by Seraphim Larsen.
    Document Description:
    Keyref architecture for redirectable referencing (linking and reuse).
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    -OASIS Open Administration

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