OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

    Posted 08-29-2003 03:20
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes

    Title: Re: [emergency] EM TC 08-26-03 Meeting Minutes
    My comments and answers are placed after item referred to.

    At 10:43 PM -0400 8/28/03, Allen Wyke wrote:
    Couple of questions/comments, and I apologize for not being on the call.
    Also, forgive my use of id attributes in my <snip> instances - I could
    not restrain myself :)

    <snip id="1">
    Continued discussions on symbology for emergency management.

          * When talk about symbology not talking about the artwork, color
            and content.
          * Are referring to transport, communicate and interoperate.
            Does the TC agree with that approach? Yes

    Why not? Why should this not include the artwork? Especially if it can
    be represented in SVG, preserving (if this was the concern) the XML
    nature of the effort. Personally, I think including the artwork, even if
    marked optional in the schema, is something we should do. Not saying
    this is something we must do - just that I am not clear as to why we
    would not want to do this.

    I believe what was meant was that we are not as concerned about the process of choosing or selecting the specific symbols to represent features like hospitals, police and fire stations, etc, as we are about ensuring the interoperability of the processes and features the symbols represent. That doesn't mean that we are not planning to use the symbols, just that we should not be reinventing our own symbols, and we should refrain from commenting about the symbols except through a liaison, if we have one, to the FGDC.

    <snip id="2">
    Department of Homeland Security has taken the TC letter on board.

    What "letter"? Didn't see anything else in the minutes describing such.

    The letter suggesting the proper, well-formed and correct xml coding for the threat advisory levels.

    <snip id="3">
    There are other project using CAP as well.

    The MSG SC should attempt to gather a list of these and provide on their
    Website. This could certainly be useful to help show how adoption is

    <snip id="4">
    Feedback Process

    Rex can we get ideas from OASIS and see how it should work.

    Of course. I simply explained the process used in the two TCs in which I have participated during this public comment period stage of the process.

          * In other groups someone took responsibility to review comments
            and post to TC list (numbered and dated) and scheduled TC to
            discuss at next TC call. Anyone who replied to that issue. That
            response rely would be contained in the thread. Good was to
            maintain continuity
          * During course of discussion make decision as to whether to
            change spec or not
          * Not responsible for responding back to individual.
    Art so we use public comment list and TC list to list questions. One
    person puts in order and gives identity and then discussed at TC level.
    Art will take responsibility for reviewing the comments.

    I think this process is perfect, and is also what I am accustomed to in
    other efforts.


    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, Emergency Management TC

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    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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