OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 22 September 2003

  • 1.  Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 22 September 2003

    Posted 09-24-2003 10:37
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    Subject: Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 22 September 2003

    SEPTEMBER, THE 22ND, 2003, 3PM GMT – 3:30PM GMT
    Doug Alberg <doug.alberg@boeing.com>, Boeing
    Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com>
    Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, Arbortext
    Tom Magliery <Tom.Magliery@corel.com>, Corel
    Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems
    Acceptance of Minutes of the September, the 15th meeting
    - The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes.
    Action Items
    - Phil Boutros: create proposal for unifying change tracking in text and 
    table documents
       - in progress
    - Paul Langille: additional chart format comparisons
       - done, see
    - Paul Langille, Daniel Vogelheim: proposal for business charts
       - in progress
    - Daniel Vogelheim: Determine meaning of the paragraph alignment values.
       - done, see
    TC Membership
    - Paul Langille has requested a leave of absence. Daniel Vogelheim will 
    continue the work on an enhanced business chart proposal including the 
    proposal from Paul 
    Discussion of Work Package 5.3 Style Properties
    The TC continued the discussed of text formatting properties as 
    described in section 3.10 of the OpenOffice.org XML specification.
    The TC agreed to add the values "left" and "right" to the 
    “fo:text-align" property. The values of this attributes are now "start", 
    "end", "left", "right", "center" and "justify".
    The TC further discussed the suggestions for paragraph alignment and 
    writing mode based on the first character of a paragraph. A proposal for 
    this is to add an attribute like "style:writing-mode-automatic" that 
    takes values like "true" and "false". If the attribute's value is 
    "true", applications are allowed to recalculate the writing mode of a 
    paragraph based on its content whenever the content changes. The current 
    writing mode still is specified by the "fo:writing-mode" attribute. By 
    specifying a "fo:text-align='start'" attribute additionally, a change of 
    the writing mode will automatically change the text alignment. For this 
    reason, the "style:text-auto-align" attribute that has been introduced 
    in the 21 August meeting is not required any longer. The TC agreed to 
    vote on this proposal by e-mail.
    The TC further discussed underlining and crossing out, especially the 
    proposal to introduce a line style concept for underlining/crossing out. 
    That is, to introduce style elements that specify all properties of a 
    line like its type (dotted, solid, etc.) and its width and to reference 
    these elements within text styles to specify the line style that should 
    be used for a certain underlining/crossing out in the text. The TC 
    unanimously agreed to move the discussion of such line styles into the 
    second TC phase and to add a CSS3 based specification for 
    underlining/crossing out that can be enhanced later on. Michael Brauer 
    will create a proposal for this based on the already existing proposals. 
    A voting about this proposal shall take place by e-mail.
    The TC unanimously agreed to leave the specification of text, paragraph 
    and graphical formatting properties unchanged with the exception of the 
    changes and enhancements that have been agreed already and the two 
    changes discussed above.
    New Action Items
    - Michael Brauer: Proposal/E-Mail voting for automatic writing mode
    - Michael Brauer: Proposal/E-Mail voting for underlining/crossing-out.
    Michael Brauer
    OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair

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