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Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2004.06.15
1. CAP Outreach: Allen mentions that a draft of the presentation has
been sent to Rex for review. Rex hopes to have his comments included
today, at which time it will be sent out to the group. As a reminder,
this presentation is focused on providing a common/”official”
presentation on CAP that can be read by newbies, used by those speaking
at conferences, etc. As for the implementation guide, process is still
moving forward.
2. Errata: No update as Elysa was not on the call today.
3. F2F: Dicussed the benefit of having a 1½ to 2 day time slot in hopes
of trying to accomplish more. Group agreed that we could get more done
than in 4 hours. At this point we are shooting for 1pm – 5pm on the
29th and all day on the 30th. Need to talk to Elysa to try and get room
on the 30th. Gary is going to try and reserve a room at their Stafford
location as well just in case.
4. OASIS Interop Demo: Group decided to focus on XML 2004. Rex already
planning on being there and it is in DC. Allen is going to let OASIS
know of our interest and try to coordinate with EIC on their efforts.
QUESTION: Are there any companies that are going to plan on being
there? If so, please let us know.
5. Other Business: Art tells the group a bit about the USA-WG – a group
focused on warning, which he announced to the TC earlier
Art is going to send out the details shortly.
Rex: propose to switch to once a month for the EM TC and the MSG SC
meetings. The summer creates challenges with schedules, and given the
upcoming F2F meeting we are in a good position to complete a lot of our
outstanding items, while providing some longer periods of time to work
on the lengthy tasks (aka Imp Guide). Rick comments the IF SC has some
catch-up, so that will probably continue to be every week or two. We
will address this formally at the end of the planned F2F.
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC
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