OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Re: [office] Content Regions in ODF

    Posted 05-09-2008 11:40
    in terms of a constructive discussion it would really be great to understand not only what you don't want but also what you want.
    You say its unnecessary. Can you explain why? What alternative encoding do you have in mind?
    So where do you think we should invest our good money ;-)
    It would really be great to understand the alternatives 'cause I'm not a big fan the start-/end- stuff either but I'm not aware of  better alternatives...
    Thanks very much,
    >>> Bob Jolliffe 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Content Regions in ODF

    Posted 05-09-2008 14:22

    For example, we could have a single mechanism for noting the structure of begin/end or arbitrary content that doesn't follow a simple nesting model.  And then have a way of associating semantics with it.

    The way we have it now seems unfactored.   Is there a way we can better express the structure of the things that Patrick listed with a single mechanism, and then give them semantics with a common mechanism. Think div and CSS.

    Especially since this type of structure seems core to Word's run-oriented text model, I expect we'll see more and more requests for adding features like this in the future.  So getting the core structural aspect of it defined will help us integrate future related proposals as well.


    "Florian Reuter" <freuter@novell.com>

    05/09/2008 07:39 AM

    <bobj@dst.gov.za>, <patrick@durusau.net>
    Re: [office] Content Regions in ODF


    in terms of a constructive discussion it would really be great to understand not only what you don't want but also what you want.

    You say its unnecessary. Can you explain why? What alternative encoding do you have in mind?

    So where do you think we should invest our good money ;-)

    It would really be great to understand the alternatives 'cause I'm not a big fan the start-/end- stuff either but I'm not aware of  better alternatives...

    Thanks very much,


    >>> Bob Jolliffe <bobj@dst.gov.za> 05/08/08 8:05 PM >>>
    Absolutely agree with the sentiment.  I don't know how we orginally got into this -start -end convention, but it is really ugly and unnecessarily.  Also agree it is not an odf 1.2 issue, but let us at least flag it as undesirable and avoid pouring good money after bad.



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