Our intrepid Chet has determined the issue. Please be sure to be signed into your GitHub account when you click on the artefacts download link in the action summary. If you are not signed in, you get the "404" because you aren't using qualifying credentials. Thanks, Chet! . . . . . . . . Ken At 2021-01-22 14:07 -0500, G. Ken Holman wrote: Fellow Code List Representation TC members, Would you please test this link and tell me (off list) if you get prompted to download a ZIP file?
https://github.com/oasis-tcs/codelist-genericode/suites/1874262914/artifacts/36532447 It is linked from the Artifacts section at the bottom of:
https://github.com/oasis-tcs/codelist-genericode/actions/runs/501698790 My main use of GitHub is from Firefox on OSX and the link works fine. The link appears not to work on Chrome on OSX, Safari on OSX, nor Firefox on Windows. This is why I was surprised during my demo this morning, as this is the first time I've used GitHub actions off of Firefox on OSX. Thanks for letting me know. . . . . . . . Ken -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc.
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