Submitter's message ActionItems:
1. Kris will talk to OASIS to see what options we have for a permanent DITA-OASIS link to the latest version of the specification.
2. Kris will ping Scott McGrath and Chet Ensign about using the wiki and altelrnatives.
3. Kris will pull Dawn's draft-comments on glossentry elements, and set up a call with her, and also
4. Kris will set up a call with Christina to discuss conflicting suggestions from TC in 'Overview of DITA.'
Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Recorded by Christina Rothwell / Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting: Attendance:
Robert Anderson, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Christina Rothwell, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann, Bob Johnson
1. Roll call
Regrets: none
2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
05 September 2023 (Harrison, 12 September 2023)
Kris moved, approved by TC
3. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
18 July 2023
Dawn: Check with Brianna on extent to which she's updated L&T for 2.0. COMPLETED
15 August 2023
Eliot: Review DITA 2.0 draft spec and determine whether it contains guidance for the things that Dennis Troaca queried about on DITA comment
- Eliot; I'll look into this
05 September 2023
Kris and Robert: Hold a spec editors call COMPLETED
Kris and Robert: pull updated bookmap material and look at changes in preparation for TC review COMPLETED
4. Announcements
- Scott Hudson will be out for several weeks in October because his daughter is getting married.
- Dawn Stevens mentioned DITA conference in Helsinki, Finland. Kristen suggested that Dawn provide links and requests for speakers.
5. e-mails from dita-comment list
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
OASIS website: Info on DITA 2.0 hard to find, URLs broken (Frank Ralf, 10 August 2023)
More feedback from OASIS offline
NEW: About DITA 2.0 Specs (Paul Knight, OASIS, 11 September 2023)
- Kris; there are concerns with broken links; we need better way for users to find the latest DITA OASIS content. I've added the following text to the TC front page:
Please note that the above links will not be functional until DITA 2.0 enters the formal OASIS process for approval as a specification. Until then, you can find the latest version of the draft DITA 2.0 specification in the OASIS document repository. Go to: https.//
and scroll down the page and check for a new revision.
- Kris; we need to make it easier for people to find our draft specs. I'll remove the broken links on the title page in the DITA draft documents in the meantime so Google searches don't pick up the broken links. The links change according to the version of the PDF. There is not a link that would give you the latest version of the document. I need to update the front page of the DITA 2.0 specification.
***ActionItem: Kris will talk to OASIS to see what options we have for a permanent DITA-OASIS link to the latest version of the specification.
5. Update from LwDITA subcommittee
- Frank; we are the only TC using the wiki. I want to raise awareness wrt us still being on the wiki.
***ActionItem: Kris will ping Scott McGrath and Chet Ensign about using the wiki and altelrnatives.
- Frank; Regarding lightwight DITA plug-in, an issue with how to use Markdown to come up with title list in the output. More details at State of implementation is to support loose and tight lists. Loose and tight lists is similar to compact list (compact attribute) in a DITA item. Question is whether we still need to support this.
- Robert; this is very common usage.
- Dawn; many, many of my clients use it.
[general consensus is to keep it. It helps to cut down the complexity of output classes or style rules to control formatting of list items.]
- Frank; I'll bring back TC's opinions back to the LwDITA subcommittee.
6. Volunteer spec assignments
Assignment (
- Kris; Dawn, should I merge your comments?
- Dawn; maybe, take a look at them first
***ActionItem: Kris will pull Dawn's draft-comments on glossentry elements, and set up a call with her, and also
***ActionItem: Kris will set up a call with Christina to discuss conflicting suggestions from TC in 'Overview of DITA.'
[Kris and Robert have looked at and adjusted bookmap material; will open review by Monday]
- Kris; so folks, keep in mind that if we can complete bookmap and glossentry, we'll be done with techcontent, Once we finish that, we're really close...
- Kris; Eliot & Scott, how are you doing?
- Eliot, no progress, but will start next week.
12 noon ET close
-- Ms. Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 19 September 2023 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ms. Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2023-09-26 03:22:28