OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

Re: [wsia] [wsrp][markup] URL rewriting for proposals 2 & 4

  • 1.  Re: [wsia] [wsrp][markup] URL rewriting for proposals 2 & 4

    Posted 06-17-2002 20:04
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [wsia] [wsrp][markup] URL rewriting for proposals 2 & 4

    Rich - very good proposal. As already indicated in the discussions I would
    certainly vote for options #2. They put less burden on the producer, allow
    for static producer content and still allow for efficient processing on the
    consumer side (by applying fast string matching algorithms like the BM alg.
    and selecting the StartToken carefully). Let's keep in mind that we
    envision a world in which it is easy to write and producer and we (the
    portal vendors) write the consumers.
    Best regards
    Carsten Leue
    Dr. Carsten Leue
    Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory B�blingen , Germany
    Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401
    |         |           Rich             |
    |         |           Thompson/Watson/I|
    |         |           BM@IBMUS         |
    |         |                            |
    |         |           06/11/2002 11:13 |
    |         |           PM               |
    |         |           Please respond to|
    |         |           Rich Thompson    |
    |         |                            |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |       To:       wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                        |
      |       cc:                                                                                                                                   |
      |       Subject:  [wsia] [wsrp][markup] URL rewriting for proposals 2 & 4                                                                     |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
    I had been asked to sketch a possible way proposals 2 & 4 could flow
    through the chain Producer -> Consumer -> End-User -> Consumer -> Producer
    to help people see the proposals more concretely. None of the choices for
    how things are represented here are meant to reflect a choice the
    subcommittee has made, just a possible means by which things could work.
    Sorry for the delay in getting this out .... I had been consumed by the
    merged interfaces work.
       -------------------------------  Possible impacts of the 2 proposals for
    Action type URLs -----------------------------------
    Proposal #2: All portlets use a predefined prefix, which is part of the
    specification, to do the URL boundary demarcation. The aggregator then
    parses the markup looking for  the well known prefix.
    |Entity's URL         |{StartToken}{urlType =                     |
    |                     |action}{actionName}{EndToken}              |
    |Consumer rewrites URL|Stores Entity's URL & generates url to     |
    |                     |reference the action                       |
    |End-User browser sees|http://Consumer.com?WSIA_urlref=5          |
    |Post to Consumer     |Consumer does a lookup and calls Producer  |
    |Soap invocation to   |Producer.performAction(entityHandle, ...,  |
    |Producer             |actionName, ...)                           |
    Proposal #4: The Consumer sends URL info to use to the remote portlet,
    allowing it to do correct URL writing itself. The markup sent back to the
    Consumer is then ready for immediate inclusion in the page, with no parsing
    Using Eilon's templating suggestion:
    |Consumer sets Entity  |ActionURL =
    http://Consumer.com?WSIA_entity=7,WSIA_actionName            |
    |property              |={actionName}{params}
    |Entity's URL
    |Consumer passes URL   |
    |asis                  |
    |End-User browser sees
    |Post to Consumer      |Consumer does a lookup of the entity and calls
    Producer                  |
    |Soap invocation to    |Producer.performAction(entityHandle, ...,
    DoTransaction, ...)            |
    |Producer              |
       -------------------------------  Possible impacts of the 2 proposals for
    Proxy type URLs -----------------------------------
    Proposal #2: All portlets use a predefined prefix, which is part of the
    specification, to do the URL boundary demarcation. The aggregator then
    parses the markup looking for  the well known prefix.
    |Entity's URL         |{StartToken}{urlType =
    proxy}{images/ok.gif}{EndToken}      |
    |Consumer rewrites    |The Consumer acts as a proxy.
    |URL:                 |Stores Entity's URL & generates url to reference the
    |   Case #1           |resource. The base URL for the resource has been
    discovered |
    |                     |from metadata or the self description.
    |End-User browser sees|http://ConsumerProxyServer.com?WSIA_resourceref=12
    |Request from Client  |Consumer does a lookup and serves the resource.
    |                     |
    |Consumer rewrites    |The Consumer does not act as a proxy.
    |URL:                 |Prefixes the URL with the service's base URL (see
    above).   |
    |    Case #2          |
    |End-User browser sees|http://Producer.com/images/ok.gif
    |Request from Client  |The client directly accesses the resource
    Proposal #4: The Consumer sends URL info to use to the remote portlet,
    allowing it to do correct URL writing itself. The markup sent back to the
    Consumer is then ready for immediate inclusion in the page, with no parsing
    |Consumer sets Entity  |ProxyURL =
    http://Consumer.com?WSIA_entity=7,WSIA_proxy={resource}   |
    |property              |
    |Entity's URL
    |http://Consumer.com?WSIA_entity=7,WSIA_proxy=images/ok.gif           |
    |Consumer passes URL   |The base URL for the resource has been discovered
    from metadata or   |
    |asis                  |the self description and is stored by the Consumer.
    |End-User browser sees
    |http://Consumer.com?WSIA_entity=7,WSIA_proxy=images/ok.gif           |
    |Post to Consumer      |Consumer uses the entity reference to lookup
    Producer, builds the    |
    |                      |correct URL & serves the resource.
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